三十一 - Finding New Strengths

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Ch.31 - Finding New Strengths

The breeze blew around the two as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew how royally screwed they were. Though, amongst this, the had a feeling inside of them, one they couldn't explain, one that gave them the feeling that they will win this; even if it isn't something to necessarily win. 

Being told that you have to beat All Might's scores in at least 8 events but have to do 10, that's going to brew nervousness in anyone. Though, we're talking about Katsuki and Katsumi here, they aren't your average people. They're strong, cunning, determined, and quite alike. This together makes them a power duo, them already having proved themselves to be some of the best in the class, if not the best. 

They both had confidence running through their veins, and exhilaration. Though it would be stupid to say that they weren't at least a little nervous. It's inevitable. Even if they've been doing this rodeo for 8/9 years, the feeling of anxiousness before any event is sure to make it's presence noticed.

"Can each pair walk over to the staff member you're competing against." Aizawa sensei instructed.

Katsuki and Katsumi did as told and walked over to All Might, though there was one thing Katsumi didn't notice until now. This man was huge. Yes, he was the best athlete in Japan if not the world, of course he's going to have muscle. But this was just intimidating, he was just muscle. 

She didn't let the intimidation get to her expressions though, if you do that then you have an automatic weakness. 

"Good Morning young Saino, young Bakugo. To begin with we're going to be doing shot put and then we'll move on. Good?" All Might said, straight to the point. Katsumi liked that in people.

The duo replied with a hum signalling that they were in fact ready. They followed behind the man, seeing their classmates getting into position at their events. This wasn't something they'd really done before. You train to beat other people, in that case it doesn't matter what time or score you get, you just need to win. Though having to beat a specific time/ score was different, even if you did your best that doesn't mean you're going to win.

By each event there was a board that displayed the score one had to beat, and what they got. It was briefly explained to the two that only one of them had to beat the record, though extra credit would be given if they both beat the score. Katsuki went first, it wasn't an agreement per se, he just got the the ball faster. 

She could see the usual concentration in his expression, she could only assume that she had a similar serious expression. She'd always been told that she looked serious when competing. What could she say, winning is very serious in her opinion.

Katsuki took the shot put over to the circle where he had to stand, and put it in the crook of his neck. He span around and eventually let go of the ball, seeing it fly in the air. The score that at least one of them had to beat was 23.12 meters, which is a lot more than either of them can remember doing. Katsuki's score was displayed on the board,

22.91 meters.

Damn, this was going to be unnecessarily hard. Katsumi could see the anger bubbling in Katsuki's eyes, him obviously angry that he couldn't beat the score. Katsumi had to take a moment to think why on earth the school would put to 1st years in high school, up against the best athlete in the world. Don't get me wrong, she was fully confident that she'd beat him, but the staff had to know that she and Katsuki were overly competitive, and even with that she personally though that none of them could beat All Might. Oh now she was just getting herself riled up.

She swapped placed with Katsuki, holding the weighted ball in her left hand, adjusting her hold in her neck. She took a breath, then she began to rotate around in order to build momentum. She let go of the shot put once she felt as though she'd built up enough momentum. She saw it hit the ground, it making a thud as it did so.

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