四十二 - Sandalwood

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Ch.42 - Sandalwood

The bus's soothing engine hummed as it transported students, the rain from earlier leaving puddles of water in the road. The rain had gone, leaving a beautiful light blue painted across the sky. A clump of clouds crossed from where it had previously rained, leaving raindrops in its wake.

The bus had been driving for an hour, meaning Katsumi and Katsuki had been sleeping for such. In the meantime, class 1A's group chat had been blowing up with messages. This was caused by one photo that was sent, oh what havoc it caused.

Thankfully, Katsumi and Katsuki had their phones on silent; meaning the constant flow of notifications wouldn't bother them. They both seemed to unconsciously nuzzle into each other in their sleep, Katsumi's sleeping form fond of his warmth, Katsuki's sleeping form desiring her coolness; both cancelling each other out to form the most comfortable temperature.

At some point, the two's hands intertwined; Katsumi's cold hands warmed up just like her body was. Their unconscious forms were bolder than their conscious could ever be, the only downfall being that they would never experience the moment. 

Hikari was bored, so seeing that her sister had all the good food, why not go and borrow some? Technically she wasn't meant to be standing up while the bus was moving, but no one stopped her. She walked down the aisle where her sister was, and almost screamed because of what she saw. Hikari ran back to her seat and grabbed her phone, startling her poor friend. Then she ran back and took a photo of the two adorable friends, friends. Neither of the sleeping duo knew if they wanted to be friends, but they knew for a certain they didn't want to be less. It would become certain to the two very soon what they wanted to be, and maybe, just maybe, they'll take a leap of faith and act on their feelings.

Who knows what Hikari would do with that photo....


The drive from UA to Tokyo, more specifically a very nice hotel named Zeitaku Basho. These places were three hours apart, and by some miracle, there wasn't much traffic. That was honestly baffling because 100 other schools from around the country were invited to compete in nationals, and like UA, most of them would have two busses.

There was only 30 minutes remaining of the journey, and one of the sleeping two began to stir from their sleep. Katsuki was the first to wake, his neck aching from the position it was in. 

Katsuki wasn't fully awake and aware of his surroundings, though he knew roughly what was going on and therefore didn't move his head. One thing Katsuki noticed was the alluring scent that was present from where his head was positioned. The scent was a sandalwood, though most of the rich wood essence of it was partly drowned out with vanilla; though the scent didn't loose it's captivating smell.

Katsuki opened his eye, one remaining closed due to sleep. It took his a few blinks to rid his eyes of the haziness of waking up, though what he was smelling was revealed. Katsumi's hair was the producer of this addictive aroma. He didn't mind it, he didn't jerk away like he used to, he was comfortable. He continued to lay his head on top of Katsumi's, though he opened up his phone and watched some anime, knowing that the girl next to him wasn't awake.

She awoke ten minutes after him, seeing the anime playing near her face; though not too close. Katsumi felt his head on top of hers and smiled, she didn't mind it; actually, she kind of liked it. She noticed that Katsuki had headphones plugged into his phone and took one out of his ear and put it in hers. Katsuki didn't know that she was awake until that moment, but continued to watch his anime in piece; even if both of them were utterly flustered at their actions.

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