四十七 - Epilogue (Finale)

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Ch.47 - Epilogue

Many many moons after the day that started it all, led to the one in which they would make their first appearance out of many. The two had been training for years and years and they only got better at what they did, becoming close to a household name. As well as training, their dating had only been getter better too, and as of late, the couple were happier than ever.

The reason for their elated mood was as follows, they had been invited to the Olympics. Though a few years prior to this, both had gone to nationals once more for their third year; winning once again.

Once the two had graduated they and others from their class had been offered a place in the Japanese athletics Olympic team, turns out good things do come to those who wait. Naturally, the two found out at one of the most inconvenient times, their families having a dinner together. Both had gotten an email, and even if phones weren't necessarily allowed at the dinner table, seeing the two drop their chopsticks and whatever food was being held by them was worth it.

Katsumi held her phone out in front of her, her boyfriend next to her mimicking the action. They eyes were drawn to one part of the email, the first sentence in fact. Their jaws having dropped along with their chopsticks.

"Katsumi put your phone away." Aki sighed, not taking note of the shocked face of her youngest daughter.

"You too Katsuki, phone down." Neither mother paying attention, though one other female at the table was.

"I think, they've frozen in time and died. Lemme see the phone." Hikari said, snatching her younger sister's phone out of hands and almost screaming until her father put his hand over her mouth. Now everyone's attention was on the phone, wondering what was so important on there.

"Hand over the phone Katsuki." Mitsuki demanded, and for once, her son obliged. Now everyone understood why the two seemed to have frozen in shock. Needless to say the parents of the two were proud, the moms of the two more excited than the fathers.

The two being only 19 and 20, having graduated a few months prior, were some of the youngest to go. A person can go to the Olympics at 16, though school and training prohibited that for most. Even still, 19 and 20 are incredibly young ages to be invited to such a prestigious event.

Needless to say, their training beforehand was ruthless, more so when the two were told that their event of choice was the decathlon. Also invited to this event, was Midoriya. And for Katsuki trying not to kill the poor man and train was a rather interesting show to watch. Though with their high school years done and dusted their once resentful relationship wasn't as feral, them being on okay terms most of the time.

When the day had come the three were nervous, though only Midoriya could admit that. The two who wouldn't admit their nerves just had a serious face on, not wanting to be swayed by the 205 other countries at the event. Their families simply watched them on TV, the mothers of the two having a good long chat, it is what mothers do best.

The opening ceremony to the games was as extravagant as usual, fireworks and shows not being missed. Wearing the Japanese athletics uniform was a feeling similar to that when UA first gifted their uniforms to their students, amazing. The design of white, red and a little bit of black simply went well together.

Though that wasn't the only thing that went well, the decathlon takes place over a two day period, and even with that gap, the trio's game play didn't falter. Cameras on the three, them being the favourites to win all throughout the games. The Japanese team had never been so successful until that day, the three become household names.

Though in the end, Katsumi ended up coming first compared to Katsuki's second and Midoriya's third, yet Katsuki wasn't mad at all; he way beyond proud. The second and first place winners decided to share the gold, even if it wouldn't go down in the record books, in their minds, that's what happened.

That year the games were in France, Katsumi showing Katsuki where all the beautiful paths were, and where they led. And maybe, after the event, the couple would go on a walk down one of these beautiful paths. This walk leading to a place in which the male, with all composure, got down on one knee, and asked his significant other to be his wife.

And like the time he asked her to be his girlfriend, she said yes in a heartbeat, her being brought to tears from the action.

That was how life was going to continues, yes' and no's, wins and loss', happiness and sadness. Though for the most part, both of them would be happy. Maybe more so when the two of them find out a third might be added to their family of two.

Because in a blink of an eye, a girl with wavy blonde hair and sea blue eye that had a hint of crimson in them; would re-live her parents' life story.

The End

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