三十四 - Beach

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Ch.34 - Beach

The sun shone through the windows, no curtains or blinds to keep the rays out. It was early hours of the morning, though the sun said otherwise. As it was practically summer time, the sun came out earlier, and went down later. The sun's rays coloured objects in its path a brighter shade that it originated, warming those objects up in the process.

Today was forecast to be a hot day, perfect seeing as class 1A were due to go on a trip to the beach, to be specific, Takoba Municipal Beach Park. It was 7am, and it being the first day of the summer vacation meant that any sane person would sleep in, right? Wrong.

Katsuki was rudely awoken when the rays from the sun were shining directly at his lidded eyes, creating a rather uncomfortable strain. He went to put his arm over his eyes to somewhat help block out the light, when he found that his arm was around something. He opened his eyes, blinked to get rid of the foggy feeling of waking up, and then realised why his arm was stuck as it was. Katsumi was sleeping soundly, her position being faced away from Katsuki yet laying down in front of him. A few strands of her hair were covering her face, and her mouth only slightly agape.

Katsuki was frozen, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to wake her up, he knew that much. But what was he going to do? He looked around and saw that he was in his living room. He had fallen asleep in here a lot, but he didn't remember the last time he fell asleep here throughout the whole night. 

He heard the air conditioning turn on, 7am being the scheduled time for it to do so in the summer. With this, he noticed that his face was cold, yet his body was not; a grey blanket keeping him and his brunette friend warm. 

It was definite that if this was anyone other than Katsumi, Katsuki would've violently woken them up. But for some reason, his heart told him not to, and to just let her sleep. His other arm was free though, and for something to pass the time, he reached for the TV remote and turned it on. The ash blond turned the volume down, as his senses weren't fully accustomed to the new day.

Katsuki didn't choose anything in particular, just the news. At this moment in time, the news was reporting on nationals.

"Just yesterday all schools competing in Japan's annual junior sports competition have chosen their representatives. The top 100 schools around Japan will be competing including UA High School and Shiketsu Highschool, the two schools who've been tying for the win for three years in every category and year group."

Katsuki tuned out the rest, only interested at the parts he might be involved in. The girl in front of him began to stir from her slumber, the noise waking her. She noticed the warmth, though didn't want to open her eyes due to the light. She listened in on the noise, hearing reporters report, though her mind thought of what was happening. She wasn't in her bedroom, and she didn't turn the TV on. Then it came back to her, the planning, dinner, the email, everything.

So, they both didn't want to move, one because he didn't want to wake the other up, the other not wanting to move because if she did it would be awkward. Though after 30 minutes, both began to feel the urge to move at least a little, Katsumi's eyes were open and watching the TV, though Katsuki didn't see this, as his orbs were drawn to the TV.

Though one thing did force the two to move, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Both teenagers whipper their heads back to the stairs, and then looked at each other. That gaze was one full of many unanswered questions, but one thing was clear. 

'If we get seen like this, we're going to be teased for life.'

So, they sprung up into a normal sitting position, still somehow sharing the blanket without a second thought. Both of their heads of hair were a mess, dishevelled and not to mention their school uniforms. Their shirts creased and Katsumi's tie loose (Katsuki didn't wear a tie, so he didn't need to worry about that), Katsuki's trousers also creased and pushed up his leg. But one thing that gave Katsumi a heart attack, her skirt. It was as good as up her ass seeing as it wasn't covering her legs what so ever, there being creases in it; thank god she worse shorts. Katsuki did notice her frantically trying to shove her skirt down her legs and whipped his head in the opposite direction; having some respect for girls unlike a boy with purple hair.

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