十四 - Fluorescent City Lights

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Ch.14 - Fluorescent City Lights

The spring sun was warm, but not hot. The wind was blowing the leaves, but not that powerful. This was the perfect weather for Katsumi and Bakugo to train for the UA sports festival. From when it was announced to the students there were two weeks to train, more than enough time for two heavily driven people. 

Bakugo made Katsumi train as though she would be going through hell and back. Katsumi wouldn't be pushed around and told what to do for to long though, she wasn't someone's pet dog. Therefore Katsumi liked to also put Bakugo through an intense training programme, as though he would have to run around the world, twice. 

Two weeks, fourteen days. 3 categories, running, jumping, throwing. And if you count breaks which would be weekends making that total number of days down to ten, they could both figure out a simple training schedule. Though their cooperation was at an all time low on a Monday afternoon.

What so wrong with Mondays? Well, it's the beginning of an inevitably strenuous week; with school and training with free-time piled on top. At the end of a Monday, all a person wants to do is contemplate their life choices, or do what they love. Don't get me wrong, both Katsumi and Bakugo love to train, but with each other? They hadn't gained enough trust for each other to be cooperative. 

Some may have called them 'friends', though neither of them agreed to that term. A more accurate term to use would be 'We're in the same class and annoy each other in a childish friendly way everyday, I also respect your talent in athletics but don't want to admit that'.

Yep, definitely correct.

Oh and don't forget to add on the 'I also hang out with you everyday because we're in the same friend group, but we're the two most antisocial people in the group so we have a silent understanding of each other.'

Too far?

I don't think so. Because it's the truth. 

Currently the two of them were in the gym working on weights and building muscles that would be useful for throwing, such as deltoids. Generally they weren't working together per say, but were there together. Progress, definitely for people like Katsumi and Bakugo. 

Katsumi had her music blasting loud in her ears, as did Bakugo. They both found it the best way to focus on a task they were working on, it makes the task seem less unpleasant. They had  both been working in the gym-doing their own thing- for and hour and a half, so they were both tired; not showing it of course. 

Both of them had the urge to go over to the other and suggest they wrap it up for the day or at least go onto the track and throw, but both of them didn't want to seem tired to the other. Quite the conundrum it seems. 

The time was almost the time for the gym to close, 30 minutes to be precise. So they'd both unknowingly set the same goal.

'Work out until we're kicked out (because I don't want to seem weak)'

And that's what happened. Both definitely overworked them selves, but neither gave up and in their eyes, that's success. 

Both walked to their separate houses, though the route was the same. Both of them had sweat dripping from their foreheads and rosy cheeks. As stated earlier Katsumi isn't a sheep, she might not necessarily do what she's told. Though if Bakugo tells her to walk behind her for once, she doesn't care. You may ask why, well to her, and all the books she's ever read, it feels almost unworldly to walk alone in a street of bust people who all knew where they wanted to be. Almost simulation like.

So to simplify it, she wanted to experience the unworldly like sense of walking 'alone' in a city. Though this unworldly like sense isn't always worth it as it quickly become normal, and north special. A short lived experience. 

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