三十六 - Long Days

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Ch.36 - Long Days

The sun was in it's early morning phase, though the sunrise had already been complete. It was 9am and class 1A was lining up outside of the school they'd become accustomed to for the past four months. It was July 15, the day they were to depart for their summer camp. This was also the day Katsumi got back from her vacation in France.

She was the only one the class was waiting for, only Katsuki knew why she was late. Though, just as Aizawa was about to leave Katsumi showed up.

"Yo why're you so late Saino." Kaminari asked the tired girl. Katsumi's 22 hour travel back from Montpellier had run slightly late, meaning she had to drop her stuff home, change into her uniform, pack another bag and run. Unlike the flight to France, she didn't get much sleep on the way back, her body being thoroughly rested from the trip.

"Just got off of an airplane 3 hours ago." Katsumi yawned, honestly why did her parents decide to plan the trip when they did? Kaminari nodded in understanding, then walked over to a large group that contained everyone in the class but Katsumi and Katsuki.  From what Katsumi could gather, it was Midoriya's birthday.

She walked over to the group and wished the boy a quick happy birthday before walking back to her ash blond friend. She knew that the two boys didn't exactly get along, though never decided to poke at the matter. Katsumi felt in that state of over-tiredness and jet-lag hit her like a train, hence why she was sitting on a bench in silence next to Katsuki.

"Have a good trip?" Katsuki asked making the girl next to him wake up a little.

"Yeah, you?" Katsumi replied, it was a short and sweet answer yet it conveyed her trip. It was a great trip, as it normally was. Being with her cousins made her remember how much fun they were. They were the type to prank anyone and everyone, and Katsumi would normally get caught up in this; not that she minded.

"It was okay, the hag kept on taking loads of photos." Katsuki said, Katsumi didn't particularly like him calling his mom a hag, but then again Katsumi and Hikari come up with some interesting names for their mom; such as mother dearest and 'the one who birthed us'.

"My cousins and I kept pranking everyone, I swear my uncle was about the flip the table." Katsumi chuckled, remembering the time when her cousins and her put spice in his coffee but found out father quickly who did it. "Oh, and I saw Aoyama while I was there." She continued.

"Sparkles?" Katsuki asked,

"Yes, 'sparkles'." Katsumi sighed, he really didn't care to know anyone's names apart from those he thought necessary. 

Next to the bus 1A was due to use, there was another bus. Katsumi could only guess it was for class 1B as they were supposed to be accompanying them on this four day trip. Katsumi could hear one of the class 1B boys bragging about how much better class 1B was than class 1A.

Normally, Katsumi might've punched him, but now she couldn't care less being in the exhausted state she was in. To stop Monoma from being his normal stuck up self, Kendo  knocked him out. She seemed like the responsible big sister to class 1B (a title that Hikari had but didn't live up to), which would be needed when nationals were right around the corner; especially considering the people she's going with, Kendo would need a lot of moral strength.

Class 1B boarded their bus with class 1A boarding their own soon after. Katsumi sat with Katsuki in a middle row, the back already being taken. If she could, Katsumi would've liked to get at least some sleep on this bus ride; it was due to be two 3 hours long. Though that thought quickly died when the bus that was once only filled with chatter, turned into a part bus. 

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