勝美 才能 Origin

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Ch.1 - 勝美 才能 Origin

The feeling of overwhelming happiness, the feeling of winning. She'd always loved it. To know you're the best out of those you'd thought were better than you, it's amazing. Apparently the world thought so too, as most careers were build around some sort of sport nowadays; though the best careers are those that actually compete in the sport. Seeing the amazing people compete on TV captivated her as she could imagine herself in that position in the future. 

The 7 year old loved watching the amazing runners on TV, she'd get butterflies in her stomach from just watching them race. Her dad was a bit salty about this though seeing as he didn't work in that area of sports, though he was happy she was as she was about sports. Her older sister leaned more towards her fathers area of expertise, winter sports. Snow boarding, ice skating, skiing, you name it her dad's done it, Hikari loved that. Though this isn't about Hikari, this is about Katsumi, and how she became one of the best.

Katsumi's mom, Aki, was a coach at a local athletics club and seeing as her first child showed no interest in such, yet her second child did, she took this as her calling to sign her up. When Katsumi first showed up for a club session she was a little nervous, who wouldn't be? Though when she found out no other 7 year old knew anyone else seeing as this was a new programme she couldn't have cared less. 

Then came the actual training part, Katsumi remembers being told to run 100 meters, that seemed like a huge distance. When she was running she remembers tying most of the way with a girl who  had long blonde hair. Though Katsumi ended up winning, she knew this girl was friend material.

"Hi I'm Katsumi Saino, what's you're name." Katsumi confidently introduced

"H-hi, I'm Hana Choyaku." The girl replied in a quiet voice, she was the quiet type it appeared. 

Though Choyaku was the quiet type, Katsumi didn't care, she seemed nice so that's a friend. The next thing Katsumi remembers was seeing a boy who was 10, honestly Katsumi thought it was unfair 7 and 10 year olds had to race against each other but she couldn't do anything about it. This said 10 year old quite frankly looked like tin-tin, the blue eyes and blonde hair said it all. 

The two raced and she came 2nd to him, she was upset but also angry at her mom for putting her up against this 10 year old.

"Hey you're really fast!" This 10 year old said looking at her

"Me?" Katsumi questioned, still recovering from her angry state.

"Yeah you! How old are you? I've never seen you here before." the boy continued

"I'm seven." She confidently answered, with her own blue eyes staring back into his soul.

"Woah! That's cool! Hey Tamaki did you see how fast she was!" The boy spazzing to another boy with indigo hair next him.

"Y-yeah, you're r-really cool." If possible, this Tamaki was shyer than Choyaku.

The first ever day of training consisted of more than just making friends but that's all Katsumi remembered and she wouldn't have traded it for the world. 


Another memory that made Katsumi who she is, is the first ever competition she ever went to. She'd been doing athletics for 3 months now and she'd just turned 8. This time of year wasn't ideal for running due to winter coming in, though she couldn't care. It was October 31st and it was Katsumi's birthday, convenient for her really seeing as the minimum age to compete was 8.

The bus ride to the place seemingly took hours though in reality it was only 30 minutes. Katsumi was among the 5 other 8 year olds on the bus with the rest of the seats filled with 9 and 10 year olds. Thankfully Choyaku was old enough to come and the two were sat next to each other talking about the clothes they were forced to wear. 

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