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Cc: Shopping. Introducing more of the gang.


"What do you think?" Claire asked, as she spun in the bikini she was trying on. It was a pastel yellow set that went really well with her porcelain skin tone, but it wasn't her style.

I gave her a once-over and shrugged. "It looks good on you, but it isn't something that screams you," I admitted.

"Oh," she said disappointedly. Her shoulders drooped as she went off to find another bathing suit, and I stifled a laugh. She wasn't disappointed it didn't suit her perfectly, she was disappointed she had to shop longer.

I was helping her pick a new swimsuit, while Maddie and Kelly were helping Froida. I can tell Froida talked her into this. While she was off looking for one that fit her well, I was here almost dozing off on the lounge chair in the dressing rooms' waiting area.

I looked around trying not to shut my eyes, and my eyes suddenly caught on something black and edgy on the mannequin. It was a black one piece with triangular cut-outs on the sides. The halter strap was thick and was tied into a ribbon with straps that fell down to the waist. It had subtle gold touches that seemed almost non-existent at certain angles, but glittered at others. The back area began at the waist with a golden sash.

It was definitely something Claire would wear.

"Claire!" I murmured drowsily when she answered my call. "Check out the black suit on the mannequin on the side of the sunglasses and scarves."

I heard a faint "oooh.. You okay though?" before I had to end the call and lean my head against the wall. I had low shopping tolerance.

After what felt like a second, Claire was shaking me awake holding one of those swimsuits that I described in her hand. She looked worried. Claire and "worried for someone else who isn't Froida" did not go together. "Girl! I thought it was just the bad reception or something... you okay?"

I squinted at her and managed a woozy smile. "You like the swimsuit?"

She scowled at me. "Answer my question, Valyra."

I chuckled and nodded, using my arm to prop myself up. My head was pounding, but she didn't need to know that. "I'm okay."

"Okay," she smiled, satisfied. "You stay here and lean against the wall. I'm just gonna try this on."

Oh... she checked on me before trying it on. I smiled at the thought and closed my eyes as I waited. By the time she paid, my headache was gone.

About an hour later, we found ourselves at the mall's food court, munching on some salads. Don't judge us, okay? Salads are cheap, filling, and healthy which balances out the shopping we just did, and we had a pool party to go to later on, so we had to be sure we wouldn't look so bloated.Besides, mine had lots of bacon bits so I absolutely enjoyed it. This is low-key a secret hunch of mine, but I think the reason why I get lots of bacon bits whenever I order from this shop is because the guy who serves has a huge crush on me, but whatever, just a narcissistic hunch.

"We're not using my car," Kelly randomly said, sipping on her iced fruit tea. Icy like her facade and sweet like her true personality..

"No one asked, Kels," Maddie giggled. Kelly scowled at her but didn't say more.It was funny how much of a softie Kelly was for Maddie, but at the same time, it totally melted my heart. Like, they seemed to be like those siblings who have a tighter bond than the rest.

"Soooo," Claire began, a serious sort of determination stealing her gaze. "We're going to that party late, showing everyone we still got it, and leaving them like the party wasn't lit enough, okay? Okay."

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