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Cc: This guy is annoying part 2.


Okay, so you know how we buy snacks before watching the movie?

We were at the counter buying some popcorn and drinks when some guy accidentally tripped and hit Claire's arm. This was bad because Claire was still steadying the drinks she just got and one of them hasn't been completely closed because she checked if the worker got the drink right.

Claire's blouse was soaked and the drink was, well, wasted.

The guy apologized curtly and motioned for his companions to follow him. It was the same guy from the cafe earlier-- blond hair, blue eyes, tall and athletic build. He didn't even make sure if Claire was okay.

My gaze followed their group sharply. "What about it, Claire? Want me to tell him off?"

Claire sneered. "He's not even worth it." She looked frustratedly at her blouse. "Man, I just took a bath, too." 

"It's a good thing our movie's still in an hour," Maddie pointed out with a sunny smile, trying to make us feel better, and Froida did the same, agreeing with Maddie as she smiled as cheerily as she could. I could tell she was at least flustered by the situation.

I pulled on Claire's elbow a little. "Come on, Claire, let's buy you a shirt."

Maddie and Froida carried the snacks with them and suggested they wait by the counter while Claire and I go shopping.

We went to the restroom first to dry Claire off as quickly and as much as possible. Claire, as usual, didn't look angry at all. It even seemed like I was the one angry for her-- which frustrated me because if I'm not around, who's gonna defend her? Not Froida for sure, unless she reaches the peak of her anger, and not Ryan either because, well, Claire doesn't spend as much time with Ryan as I thought-- I know, I was surprised when I found out about this.

I mean, look, she's not mad at all, just... blank and moving, like some well-trained person or meticulously programmed robot.

If I see that guy again, I'm gonna bash his shoulder joint until he cries out in pain.

"That okay?"

Claire nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure it's dry enough."

"It's a good thing it's just soda-- easier to wash off."

Claire nodded and followed me as I led us to the department store, straight to the women's section. "Choose a shirt," I told her, "or a jacket or something if that's what you prefer."

She looked at me doubtfully, but I wave a hand at her dismissively. "Go, go, I'm serious."

Claire made a sound that's in-between a scoff and a forced laugh and went off to get a shirt. When she came back, I could tell that she tried to find a cheaper one because the polo she got was thin, and she chose a shade similar to the stain as well. 


She looked at me blankly. "I want this one, and thanks."

We got back just in time to fall in line and catch the trailers. 

The movie was cool, so I'm not gonna spoil it for now, but when we got out of the movie theater, it was my mood that was spoiled instead.

That same guy crashed into a trash bin near us and the contents of the bin spread up to the spot near us, attacking us with a rotten smell. He sat on the floor clumsily, dumbfounded at the mishap he caused. If I could say so myself, he looked pretty stupid. 

Talk about gross.

A janitor nearby quickly cleaned up the mess and righted the bin. Meanwhile, his friends helped him up and they quickly pulled him away and scurried off to wherever, hiding their faces from the onlookers. He was different, though, because he looked at us with a sorry face, despite being all red from embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry!" he called out. His friends reprimanded him, probably telling him to walk faster or even run, but he kept his gaze on us seriously for as long as he could.

At this point I didn't know whether to find him weird or to have mad respect for him, but all the same, he and his friends were still overall quite annoying.

Thankfully, none of the trash actually touched us, but we quickly walked away after the whole thing and looked for a restaurant to eat in.

This mall was the closest we got-- it had a movie theatre, a department store, bookstores, appliance store, fabric stores, dress shops, and lots of restaurants, too. It was always bustling and since it was somewhere between the two high schools, it was filled with a lot of people our age as well. The older youth are usually found in the bookstores, the library nearby, cafes, or the indoor gym. The families, on the other hand, are more often found at the square at the opposite section.

At night, in this town, only youth and workers are out. Parents who get off work before evening and younger children are already at home, enjoying a warm and joyful dinner.

We ended up in the Knighthood, a restaurant that's like a cheaper fine-dine. It caters mainly to people who want to enjoy something like this but couldn't afford the usual ones and it's kind of exclusive as well.

"I'll pay," I declared. "Order whatever you want."

Froida looked at me strangely. "Are you rich, Valyra? You seem to be spending freely lately."

What? Oh!

"Froida, sweetie," Maddie spoke for me. "It's nothing new at all. You just don't spend enough time with us to realize it, and you often turn her down when she offers."

"That's true," Claire nodded.

We ordered four sets of grilled steak and mashed potatoes with vegetables and fried rice and drinks of our own. The serving here is pretty good, too, that I haven't been disappointed after eating here.

"It is good!" Froida exclaimed. "I can't believe my parents were able to convince me against eating here!"

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Claire poked at her string beans (she doesn't like them) and explained. "Froi's parents told her Knighthood is low quality and for wannabe rich people and to avoid eating here." 

"Yes." Froida sighed. "And I believed them. I thought they knew what they were saying. This is better than food at the galas."

Maddie and I exchanged amused glances and laughed. "Dude, you're so passionate about food," I teased. "I love this energy!"  

For the first time, Froida smiled brightly at me. The type of smile that wasn't shy or hesitant or forced. It was cheerful and bright and free.

This smile of hers is something I don't think I'll ever forget anytime until maybe I have neurological problems.

"Come on, let's finish our food now," Maddie suggested excitedly. "Dessert's on me!"

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