The Girl

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Ooo it's Dabi time. Maybe a glimpse into the past? (Stares at chapter 290 menacingly) let's see folks. Btw I love you all. Please drink some water, and rest your eyes if not sleep! I don't want anybody sick 🥺.

The dream was nothing new. The constant burning behind his eyes. His father's threats on him and his siblings. The sound of his mother's weeping, and a old broken stereo playing a song he could never quite place. Though the next sensation was new. Like a cool stream, dousing the flames. And a woman's voice soothing as she washed it away. Then a gunshot.
I jolted awake. I had been asleep in my bed though I can't recall most of the night before. I remember walking Anielle home, but past that I blanked. This was usual, when I was younger I had received some damage to my head. It was nothing serious just a bad memory. It'll come to me later, I lean back into the soft pillows never wanting to leave. Then felt myself drift off.
"Get up!" My sister's voice called. I smile to myself and dig further into the soft blankets.
"I can't!" I call back.
"Why not?!?" She exclaims.
"The blankets have accepted me as one of their own, if I leave now they'll never trust me again." I respond.
She now stands by the foot of my bed and groans in frustration.
Then before I can react she grabs my ankle. Her quirk was ice like my mothers and it immediately chilled my body. I yelp in surprise and fall from my bed. It was cold just like- I abruptly jolt awake "Anielle." I finish throwing myself out of bed. I push my hands into my black scorched hair. I chuckle gods she had me wrapped around her finger. I owed her my life for more than one occasion.
I took off my dirty shirt from yesterday and threw it to the floor making my way to the kitchen. I walk past my desk when I notice a quickly scribbled note. I read over the lines as last night floods back to me. Then burn it up in my palm. I walk over to the sink and find it surrounded by non-natural frost. I use my warm hands and in freeze it before washing myself, and last night down the drain.
I'll eventually have to head in for the day. Me and Toga were on patrol, and Shigaraki would want a report. He was terrible at telling lies from the truth because of that old musty hand covering his face. I would leave out some details from last night. For now though, I sat at my desk and pulled out some paper and a pen. Then I began to write. One line following after the other until I had a pages worth.

Cold but fragile
Just like me
But I'll never know

If she's like that
As well?
Because of all the walls
Surrounding her

Because of all the things
Locked away
Though I can't be one to talk
Because I am just the same.

I couldn't remember when I started writing poems. They were longer than notes but shorter than full essays. Just an easy balance that could be as useless or intricate as the writer wanted.

Total Word Count: 554

Ok so I put a little piece of myself into this chapter. I love poetry, and find it soothing to write. If y'all want to take a guess at the backstory go ahead. I already wrote it. And submitted it for English class. Hehehe. He'll never know. Until we meet again...

-S.O. Sullivan

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