Under White Lights || Epilogue Chapter ||

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EDIT LMAO: I can't believe I titled this Prologue chapter, it's an epilogue.
I originally was going to publish a wedding chapter at 8,000 reads but that didn't seem like the right time, so here's the wedding. ( it's 3rd person because having the dual POV for this chapter wasn't working right )

2 years later

Anielle had always believed that marriages were fairytales or horror stories. She'd never even fathomed having her own.

Yet here she was, a dress draped over her figure and a veil being settled over her face.

Ryleigh stood by her side. She'd come out of hiding not long after Touya had proposed. Nobody from her hero course knew that she was standing up in a villains wedding this weekend, and they weren't going to find out.

Anielle didn't like the color white. It made her grey hair stand out, and it always got dirty.

The dress she'd chosen was white nonetheless. And she no longer had to worry that the blood under her fingernails would tarnish it.

Ryleigh's hair was it's natural color. She'd died it back sometime over a year ago, and it laid in deep brown ringlets.

They had decided against all the formal traditions. There would be no party, and no sending them off. Anielle and Touya would have the wedding officiated on the beach by their home, and it would be over.

Anielle knew she shouldn't be nervous. Tugging at the veil and her hair would just mess it up.

So she stood, hiked up her dress, and followed Ryleigh out to the beach.

There weren't even twenty people. The league, Artemis, Rei, and Touya's siblings were the only ones bordering the isle.

Touya's middle brother stood at his side, Anielle new this. The officiant stood behind him.

Anielle couldn't make out Touya's expression. The veil distorted anything and everything she could see.

Ryleigh's hand at her elbow was the guiding force as they walked down the isle. Anielle wrung her hands around the bouquet, trying to calm her nerves.

Then, they stopped. There was the bustle of people moving, and an outstretched hand. Peering at it, she knew it's familiar scars. The ones she'd traced over and over again with her own hands. She felt Ryleigh let go, and let one of her hands fall from the bouquet.

It settled gently in Touya's and they walked up the stairs. He squeezed her fingers once, as Ryleigh took her bouquet. Then they stood. Joined hand in hand before the sea, and their family.

The officiant wasn't here to make this special. He turned to Touya.

"Today, we're here to celebrate a union," he began. "Do you, Touya Todoroki, wish to marry this woman and stand by her side of your own desire?"

Anielle felt concern flash across her features. It's true, she'd never been to many weddings, but that seemed a bit harsh of a way to start.

Touya, however, didn't hesitate. "Yes," He replied confidently.

The officiant turned to Anielle. "And do you, Anielle Cray, wish to marry this man and stand by his side of your own desire?"

Anielle tried to sound as confident as Touya had. "Yes," she answered.

"You both, may take say your vows to one another now,"

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