The Poison

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Anielle POV

It was to early in the morning to be awake. The sky still dark, and the streets quiet. Yet I slipped out of a bed that wasn't my own. Walking around on silent feet, gathering my shirt, jeans, and undergarments first.  I quickly made my way into the kitchen snagging my shoes and tucking them under my arm before slipping back into Dabi's sweatshirt.

I just about ran down the stairs. When I made it to the street I slipped on my shoes, the few people making their way around knew exactly what I was doing, and payed me no attention. I slipped up the sweatshirt's hood, and breathed in to calm my nerves.

Instead I inhaled the smell of campfires, sweets, and alcohol. My eyes widen, and I turn to look around, but of course nobody had seen me. So I walked down the street keeping an eye on every movement. Checking the street names, I know there is no way I'll make it home if I keep to the public area. So I walk slowly into another gang's territory keeping my head down. Nothing happens for a sweet while, and the sky becomes that blue that you see before the sun is rising, but is after the stars have disappeared. I step off the sidewalk, and into the road when I see a group of  guys. They see me but continue with their conversation as I make my way closer.

"Hey there," one of them says as I pass by.

I ignore him and keep on my way. But I hear the shuffling after me. If I can just make it- my thoughts are cut off by two sets of hands grabbing my arms.

"Hey!" I cal out trying to rip my arms free. But they hold firm. Two other men make there way in front and behind me. I let my quirk handle it. I feel the hands holding my arms tighten before they loosen almost completely. No doubt by now that they're fingers are black with frostbite under their gloves.

"Not so quick there," and the man behind me something into my neck. I manage to scream once before everything goes black.
Unknown POV

I hear a girls scream from down the road, and turn to see a cluster of dark silhouettes. The red haze of the street doesn't allow for much but I pull walk towards them anyway. I hear a door lock latch shut, of course nobody would bother helping her.

I am no more than fifteen feet away when they bother to address me.

"Scram old woman, or we'll take you to,"

I shake my head. Of course, they wouldn't fathom that I had a chance against all four of them.

They were wrong.

I let ice grow around their legs and creeping up they're bodies. The two who had been holding the girl dropped her. And she fell to the ground unconscious. I walk towards them my soft soles shoes not making a noise as I struggle to lift her up, and tuck my other arm under her legs.

"Learn some dignity, and if you're going to harass somebody do it in someone else's territory."

"This is our gang's territory, lady!" One of them says.

"Yeah, and I protect the young girls around here, boy,"
Anielle POV

My eyes open to unfamiliar surroundings. A bed with clean white sheets, and an open window looking out on a beach. A beach? But last night I had been taken ahold of, and knocked out. Oh gods. I rip my wrists upwards to find that they were not in binds as one nails me in the face.

Though as I rub my sore jaw, I smell something delicious. My legs shake as I maneuver out of bed, and on to the hard wood floors. As I push off from the bed taking my first step forward my knees buckle, and I land with a thud.

Almost immediately I hear footsteps coming towards me in the hall. I'm prone lying on the floor, so as the door opens I shove myself backwards. Pressing myself against the bed frame.

"Oh dear," A woman's voice says from the doorway.

I look up to see her, and take in the stark white hair, but overall young appearance. She was dressed in a pale blue blouse, and jeans. A single blue flower was tucked behind her ear.

"Where am I?" I ask but my voice comes out a croak.

She grabs a glass of water from the desk, and brings it to me. Sitting on the floor in front of me so she can look into my eyes.

"I brought you here, where here is, is a rather long story," her soft voice says, and though her nature is warm as I take the cup her hands feel cold, like mine.

"I've got plenty of time," I say taking a sip, and she lets out a laugh.

"I suppose you do," and she sighs. "I was in a hospital, for a very long time," a pause. "My doctor thought it wise that I leave every once in awhile. The one who had me admitted to the hospital, well he thought I should be kept there."
"So when I knew he wouldn't be coming I was brought here. Allowed to move around at my own free will. There's a car in the garage that I brought you here in, after the other night." Her gray eyes soften.

"The other night?" I ask. It had only been last night.

"Well you've been unconscious for two days, and three nights," I open my mouth to speak, but she cuts me off.

"I had a doctor brought here. They removed the drug used to knock you out, but also a small amount of a chemical that gangs have been developing."

"Oh?" I question.

"It's like a poison. Causes fainting spells, and fatigue. Does that sound familiar?"

I think back to that night with Dabi, the knife I had been sliced with. The fainting spells, dizziness, Hawks catching me the first time we saw each other; and I nod.

"You're probably going to deal with loss of your quirk for awhile," she says softly.

"What- why?" I respond, and in fact she's right. When I flex my hands and breathe in, the absence of my quirk, ripped the air from my lungs. Tears stream down my face and I gasp. When a cold hand presses to my shoulder.

"I'm Rei," she says offering me a hand.

"You're welcome here as long as you need, just know that I want you asleep at ten, no guests without my knowing, and I'll be taking you home so I can explain your situation."

"Thank you," I say taking her hand as she helps me up and settles me back into my bed."

"Let's get you some breakfast, and by tomorrow you should be able to start working towards getting your quirk back,"

That causes me to pause. "What do you mean? It won't come back on its own?"

"No dear, the trauma your body dealt with due to the poison, has your mind working double time, and so it's focus is on healing you, not your quirk,"

I blink before nodding. It was gone, after all theses years. It was gone.

Tots Word Count: 1225

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