'Blue Like Dreams' SNEAK PEEK

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Hey Hey Hey Lovelies. While revisions begin and I move forwards with getting another story up and running I thought I'd offer you this sneak peek chapter at the sequel.

"Aki?" Darya whispered. Pressing her ear to the door.

She heard heavy breathing and turned to Keiko concerned.

They peaked around the door frame. Darya felt sick at the sight of her brother.

Blood dripped from his hands. He was hunched over, shoulders shuddering. Sweat coated his upper body, and his hair clung to his head slick with moisture.

The air coming from the room was frigid though.

Then before she could start forwards Keiko wrapped her arms around Darya and pulled her backwards. Covering her mouth and hushing her.

Darya froze as she saw Kitt walking down the halls. A girl strides next to him, giggling.

They walked past the door, and Darya didn't dare budge as she heard Kitt let the girl into her wing of the building and started back their way

"Hey, anybody still in here-" He rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks. Staring at Aki.

The girls couldn't see Aki's face. But Kitt rushed directly into the room, and they quietly fled.


Fuck. Aki thought to himself.

He hadn't meant to go this far. He stared at his hands, his ears ringing.

The pain was a decent regulator. He had been practicing for hours, freezing and unfreezing his hands.

Then he fell, tripped over his own feet. The cold made everything stiff, and his hands tore at the harsh contact with the floor.

He'd heard people passing. Heard the door opened once, though nobody came closer than that.

"Hey, anybody still in here?" The only voice Aki did not want to hear in this moment, called towards him.

"Fucking hell." Kitt's voice whispered as he walked towards Aki. Who lifted his head, trying to look less pitiful.

"Where's your shirt?" Kitt asked. Looking down at him, anger spread across his features.

"Over there," Aki nodded, struggling to stand. Kitt followed his gaze, and picked up the scrap fabric.

"This isn't a shirt."

"It was," Aki muttered.

"What happened?" Kitt asked. A very broad question for their situation.

"Got into a fight."

"With what? A bear?" Kitt sighed, kneeling down next to Aki and shrugging off his sweatshirt.

"I'm fine."

"You really aren't, Aki." Kitt lays it over his shoulders. Staring him down.

Aki looks away first.


"No." Aki stays seated. To be honest, he'd happily go back to his room. Clean himself up. But he was worried that he wouldn't be able to stand.

"What'd you say?" Kitt questions.

"You heard me."

"Nah, I heard some mumbling and grumbling."

Aki's body shuddered with a slight laugh. "I can't stand up, Kitt,"

Kitt blinked at him, then shrugged. "Could've started with that," He sighs.

Aki tries to struggle away, but Kitt simply tucks his hands under Aki's legs and behind his back and hefts him off the ground.

"Put me down." Aki glares, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

"I don't think I will,"

And he doesn't.

Kitt carries him back too his own room, pushes Aki through the door. And Aki is then dropped onto Kitt's bed.

Aki grunts, and shrugs up against the wall. Tugging the borrowed sweatshirt around his shoulders.

"Don't get blood all over that please," Kitt mutters.

"It comes out with cold water."

Kitt visibly rolls his eyes.

"It comes out with cold water," He mimicked.

"I should go," Aki tries to push himself forwards, and gets his feet to the floor. He stands, about to walk to the door, when his knees buckle.

Kitt is beside him in no time. Hands wrapping under his shoulders to keep him from falling.

"Let me help you, damn it," Kitt looks furious, and Aki struggles to look away from him.

"No." Aki responds.

"Why not?" Kitt grabs his wrists, making sure to avoid both the bandages and the injuries on his palms.

Aki falls silent.

"Let me fix up your hands, and then you can go wherever you fucking please." Kitt shakes his head.

And he does. Kitt wraps his palms in gauze tape and bandages. And cleans off each of his fingers, before chucking a T shirt at Aki.

"You can't go wandering around topless," He frowns.

A short sneak peek. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with more. It has a more complicated plot, so I don't even know if I'll be keeping this snippet. Though it is very in character for my main cast.

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