They Mean Nothing

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Hawks POV

"Hawks?" Endeavor's voice questions into my ear piece.

"I'm here," I respond. Watching the way Anielle had fled.

"I need you to meet with me tomorrow morning," his gruff voice says.

"What for, Endeavor?"

"I'll tell you then."

And that was that. Anielle clearly didn't feel the same way I did. She had looked disgusted by me, actually.  Dabi was something else though. I recognized him. It wasn't from anything recent though. The messy hair, blue eyes, and fire actually reminded me of Endeavor. More precisely his son, Touya Todoroki.

We had trained together under the hero commission for a short time, and I would've called us friends. It wasn't long before his death that I had developed the tiniest crush, on my angry classmate. So why did those blue eyes tick something off inside me.

Maybe it was the way they looked at her. He clearly had let Anielle grow on him. And I had a feeling she had let the same thing happen. Why that bastard I had no idea. He was a murderer, a known criminal, and yet so was she.

The way he had stared at us. We both knew parts of her story, but neither of us had the full thing.

I had known the girl with a strong quirk, who had wanted to be a hero. The one who would get up early and run outside to go train when she thought nobody would see her. I knew the girl who could have frozen the hearts of millions, and when they thawed, those millions would love her just the same. I saw now the girl, who had something cold behind her eyes. Who had lost everything and somehow built herself up from ruins. What I couldn't fathom was how a young girl could have survived these streets. They were full of shadows, and nightmares.

But what Dabi had said partially answered that. Assassin. She had started from the bottom, and fought her way to the top, cutting down people in her way, I suppose.

What else did he know?  Was my last question.

Anielle POV

What the hell was he thinking? I don't feel that way about him. He's like a brother to me. I wanted to grow up beside him, not be his next plaything.

Shaking my head I veer sharply into an alley way. Hawks won't come flying over the dark market openly. It would lead to suspicion. I got plenty of looks making my way through the ever darkening stalls. A few prostitutes grabbed my wrists before seeing the face under my hood. Subtly I make my way past a block of illegal imports; weapons, drugs, you name it.

A bar I hadn't wandered into in years, stands at the end. Slipping off my hood I let my hair fall around my shoulders. I looked a mess, but wasn't about to take no for an answer. Walking in I was surprised to see the same bouncer from five years ago.

"Fancy seeing you here," I say smiling. He looks at me before his face widens into a grin.

"Diamond?" he asks calling me by my old nickname.

"The one and only," I mock bow.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asks. "You ran off, and can't expect for your old job back."

"I just came for a drink, calm down."

He looks at me with a raised brow. "Kid, I know you pretty damn well, you never do something simply," and opens the door.

I smile, and wink walking inside and making a B-line for the bar.

The bartender is new, a young girl actually. She was my age give or take a few years. Pretty coffee colored skin, and hair a few shades darker. I waved my hand catching her eye. She walks over a swish to her hips that leaves the other men at the bar looking.

"What can I get for you?" she asks. Her voice smooth, with a hint of an accent that I can't place.

"A distraction?" I ask winking.

"Isn't that what everybody needs," she sighs honey colored eyes peering into mine.

"Whatever you've got that's strong," I say, and she smiles before turning to grab a bottle.

She takes a shot and pours it for me. I grab the cool glass, and down the liquid. It burns my throat, but it's sweet.

I tap my glass down and she pours another. When somebody makes there way into the seat beside me.

"I'll have what she's having," a gorgeous man says dropping some cash on the table.

The bartender turns to grab another glass, and the man holds out a hand.

"I'm Damon,"

I shake it. "Call me Cray," I respond.

We fall into some competitive banter. Shots come, and go. And somehow I end up in an apartment with the bartender, whose name is Mel; and Damon. That night was a good distraction.


Total Word Count: 810

Yeah, literally nobody has made it to the last few chapters, so I doubt anybody's seeing this one. Dabi will enter the chat again next chapter, and it will mainly be him and Hawks for awhile I think. Until we meet again...

-S.O. Sullivan

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