Ryleigh Miya is Dead

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Anielle POV

Losing a second sister was not something I was prepared for. The world was a shock, and she was gone. My throat tight as I stumbled to Artemis's office. Ryleigh is dead, I couldn't save her, She's gone.

I knew that saying it would leave me ruined. I hadn't meant for this, it was so soon to saving Dabi, Touya, yet I couldn't change the outcome. So I repeated what I had to say to Artemis, what I'd said to Keigo.

He'd found me at the wrong time. I knew I'd lashed out in grief, yet he knew she was gone and stood by my side. I'd threatened him, hurt him, yet he'd stood there.

I had to save Touya. I couldn't lose anybody else.

The door that stood in front of me felt like a threat. Yet I threw it open and slipped inside throwing it shut behind me and leaning my weight into it.

Artemis was alone. She had papers scattered around her, and a pen in hand. Nothing changed besides a small glance in my direction when the door clicked. She didn't seem to care that I fell to the ground, only raising a brow in question once.

"I-" I start.

"Yes, Anielle?" She seems annoyed.

"Ryleigh-" I start again but my throat catches.

"What about her?" Her tone shifts slightly to concern.

"She's- She's gone," I say, and my lip trembles as tears stream down my face. Artemis blinks in shock.

"What are you saying?"

"Ryeligh, she's- she's dead." I choke on a sob.

"That's not possible,"

"There was this note, and I followed where it said, and there was so- so much blood." I cry, trying to quiet voice.

"It probably wasn't her blood," Artemis begins to reason. I shove my hand into my pocket and grip the small watch.

"If she'd made it, I think she would have kept this." I grit out. Dropping the piece onto the table, my hands being slightly cut by the glass.

Artemis blinks at the watch, pinching the wrist band where it was torn. "I suppose you're correct then," She says cooly. I can't help but be upset at her unaffected manner.

"Are you not upset at all?" I say, voice rising. She blinked down before looking up at me.

"Anielle, I've got no room to be upset right now. The heroes are on verge of destroying the entire underworld, and we're unstable as is. If I break down now, with you- my second-in-command, already shattered, how would that fare for those who look to us for leadership?" She sighs, I notice the tension in her hands as she picks up the watch to stare at it further.

"Second-in-command?" I can't help but ask.

"Well who else would it be?"

I sigh, and nod. Drooping into the armchair beside her. I grab a throw pillow and clutch it to my chest. Attempting to relieve my breathing.

"You're still not allowed to make any rash decisions, just because you've got nothing to lose doesn't mean I'm going to let you get yourself killed." Artemis sighs, scribbling down several words in answer on a form.

Nothing to live for. I ponder. Maybe.

"Any decision I make will be thoroughly planned," I answer. She stares at me for a few moments, before glaring and looking back to her work.

I had a plan of course.

Touya was being held in a solitary room, connected to a hall, but with cameras in every corner pointed at any movement in the room. Shutting down power at the place would be a pain, but luckily they were on a private server so she was in the clear.

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