"You Need to Stop Doing That."

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Dabi POV

"I think you talk a lot," Anielle sneers, staring down Endeavor. "And I'm not really in the mood to put up with your shit." She seethes.

I, against my own will, bit down on my tongue to keep from laughing. Her hair lay in tangled waves, and her teeth were bared. She looked beautiful. The threat in her eyes, it was stunning.

"C'mon hero, all this talk and I don't have a single scratch on me," Anielle continues.

"Would you be quiet?" Endeavor growls, throwing his hands out as the flames rise.

"Nice try," Anielle laughs, and I watch her feet, the way she dances among the rising fire. It grazes my arms, legs and I sigh at the lack of pain I feel. Just a rising temperature.

I turn to stare at my father, and the man next to him. It sickens me to see them, letting flames drip into the room. A orange haze covers everything, flickering as the lights shatter and other parts of the room begin to crumble.

"Ah, shit-" Anielle screeches, and I turn quickly to find her clutching her forearm to her chest. My feet move without accord, and I'm pressed to her side.

"Are you ok?" I ask, looking down at her, and shifting the flames away from her. Adding my own blue fire to the mix so that I can manipulate it.

"Don't worry about me you ass," Anielle grits out. "It's us against them, so why don't you give us a show." She continues, gesturing to the small ring of fire around us.

In a matter of seconds, she throws a bout of water onto the fire in the room, and lets the temperature plummet. The fire reacts to the ice, and it dissipates. The oxygen dissipating as her ice takes its grip.

"Sorry Touya," She mutters, collapsing. A wicked chuckle escapes Midoriya as a glass vial falls from her back.

"What the-" I start, turning to the two men at the door. Midoriya laughs again, and I reach down for her unconscious figure. Throwing up a bought of flames, I start towards the two.

The ice doesn't shatter, it doesn't melt, even as the girl leans against my chest. Breathing silently, with no change, I start towards the door, because like hell would I let everything fall apart with us this far.

"Don't test me boy, leave the girl, and go back to your cage like the dog you are." Endeavor says.

"Fuck off," I growl.

"You're going to burn out, because we both know you can't hold your own. You're to weak," He continues, talking without a care.

I clutch Anielle to my chest, and she shifts slightly. I take a moment to glance down, and find her eyes opening silently. I offer a small smile, before lifting my head.

"You're going to get out of my way, or the hero commission is going to have two more deaths to tack up under my name." I sneer.

"That's a nice goal, I look forward to shattering it." Midoriya answers. I feel a tug on my shirt, but don't look down. Instead I feel the blood and sweat from my body slowly fall away.

"You should have stayed dead." Endeavor retorts.

Their own flames meet my own, but I let the fire mix and turn it back towards them. I see something flash over their expressions, and they continue to feed the fire in attempt to turn it around.

Then the orange begins to sputter out of the flames, Endeavor tucks his hands away, and Midoriya looks prepared to pass out. The only color that shows in the room then is blue, wickedly flickering at the walls.

Endeavor lunges forwards, and I expect flames to come at me, but rather his own arm comes slamming into my jaw. I lunge backwards, clutching Anielle tighter to my chest. He retreats standing by the door, and I take it as it is. A taunt.

"Ready?" I ask, looking down at Anielle. "Then let's do what always works."

I rush forwards, before they can move out of the way I spread a ring of flames in their way. The ice melts away creating a slick floor, pushing them off balance.

The Midoriya man, he lands on his ass, and his head hits the floor with a sickening crack. His legs jutted out from the shock of his fall.

Endeavor, he's smarter about his movements. Slowly moving against the wall. Leaning his weight into it and balancing himself. Though anything quick leaves him stumbling.

Unfortunately he is directly in the path to the door.

I run forwards, grateful for the easy way the ice leaves for me to rush him. Endeavor swings, landing one kneed on the floor as he attempts to knock me off balance. I hop out of the way, like those children's playground games, jumping from one tile to another.

My father throws himself towards us again, and I've got no time to defend, or get out of the way. I brace for him to crash into me, but his movement freezes inches from my face.

Outstretched beneath me, Anielle is clutching a long shard of ice. It glistens red and melts slightly against the warmth of her hand, the other end is stabbed into Endeavor's gut.

He falls to the ground as she lets go of the makeshift knife. Like it had been the only thing holding him up, and his body doesn't move.

I blink down at her and watch as she holds her arm gingerly.

"Put me down," She mutters, and I tilt her figure so that she can stand. Though still encircle my arms around her body, waiting for her to become unsteady again. "I'm fine." Anielle frowns, flexing her fingers on one hand while the arm hangs limply at her side.

"You need to stop doing that." I say, staring at the body on the ground in between glances at her.

"Doing what?"

"Passing out because you push yourself to hard,"


She looks at the ground, kicking at the place by her feet. I know I should say something, thank her maybe, but my tongue weighs down on my mouth like a stone.

Shoulders falling I close the distance between us, so gently as to not have her shy away. She doesn't look up, and frowning I take my foot and set the toe of my shoe on top of her own.

She glances up at me, raising a brow, before tugging her foot out and setting it over mine.

We stand like that, for what feels like seconds, until Endeavor's body heaves, and Anielle lashes out. Jumping away from me and recollecting the ice that had melted. I see Endeavor seize and realize that she'd not only frozen the knife, but part of his own figure as well.

"We need to go, now."

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