"Well then where the hell is she?"

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Dabi POV

I pace back and forth. I hadn't left off on a good note with Anielle, she probably hated me, and I still had an alliance to uphold.

Artemis, or whatever her name was, had asked for Toga to come over, but I have no clue why. Shigaraki would never let her go alone, so I was put on babysitter duty.

"Does this look alright?" Toga asks exiting the bathroom, in something different than her usual style. Clad in combat boots, black leggings, and a ripped grey shirt; she appeared years older than she actually was.

"Yeah, it's fine," I say.

"Well that's great," she exclaims rushing forward to hug me. I pat her back lightly, as she rushes outside. Shigaraki gives me a pointed look and I give him a rude hand gesture in response.

We stride down the streets, Toga bouncing along. "So have you finally figured out when you met Anielle the first time,"

My back stiffens as I look at her. "I told you. I have never met her before." Toga pointedly looked at me before going back to humming to herself.
Time Skip. Still Dabi POV

We walk up to the front door, and it opened.

"Hi there," the girl with twin toned hair said, grinning. She and Anielle had seemed close, maybe I could talk to her?

"Hi!" Toga said walking inside like it was her home.

Once we're through the door it's shut behind us and a series of locks click into place. The leader was standing in a nearby doorway.

"You arrive at last," Artemis says. She smiles at Toga before her gaze shifts to me. I pretend not to notice her stare.

"I have a proposal for you and you alone Toga, so would you mind coming with me so we can talk?" She says. Ryleigh raises an eyebrow, but doesn't respond.

"Wait- what about me?" I ask as the two women are already walking away.

"I didn't invite you here, boy. If you must stay, Ryleigh can bother with you until Anielle decides to show up,"

Ryleigh frowns at that before grabbing my hand and leading me to a living room.

"What the hell did you do to her?" The young girl asks turning on me.

"I- what? Decides to show up? What do you mean?" I stutter out staring at the little girl with fire behind her eyes.

"The last time anyone here saw Anielle was the day of the meeting. She abandoned her phone, and the last time I was able to see her she was with you, and somebody else."

The meeting? No. That can't be right. And how did she know about the roof. And she didn't recognize Hawks?

"What do you mean saw her with me?" I ask instead.

"That's my quirk, dumbass. I can see through screens. Like I look at one and see through another." She makes a goggle shape with her hands.

"Well I haven't seen her since then either,"

"Then who else was with you?"

Anielle probably would kill me if I told her, but hey she probably already wants to. "Hawks. Like the pro hero."

"Damn- I knew she was dating one of you but my bet was on you,"

"Well, I don't think she's dating him, I've seen him around. He doesn't bother me as long as I'm not committing mass murder on his patrol."

"Well she's not here, not with you, and not with him," the young girl says bluntly. Like it didn't bother her.

"Well then where the hell is she?" I say, raising my voice.

The girl just sighs rubbing her temples.

"I'm not sure how to explain this to you," she says, pausing. "Anielle is like an older sister to me. We share a room, and because of my quirk I usually keep an eye on her." Another pause. "But she wasn't brought into The Hunters at a young age like me. She raised herself on the streets, and since then still falls back on some of her bad habits when things get hard."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Anielle swore to never kill an innocent person or a child. She may be an assassin but isn't violent. Fighting often made her sick when she was younger. So she had to drown out the pain before she came here somehow." She says. Hinting at something I don't want to believe.

"Sex, liquor, drugs; she's done all of it. So time to time when things get hard she disappears. It hasn't happened in two years, until now."

I blink staring at the girl. She seems upset, but at the same time understanding.

"So how do we find her?" I ask.

"We can't. When she's gone, nobody can. Eventually she comes back home," shrugging her shoulders, Ryleigh unwraps a piece of bubble gum popping it in her mouth.

Standing up I walk outside. Standing in the cold I look up. Not long ago she'd been sitting on this roof telling me to fuck off. Now she's got me wrapped around her finger.

Total Word Count: 847

I'm Blue (Dabi x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz