Miruko Doesn't Know What She Signed Up For

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Anielle POV

"Touya?" I ask, staring at Miruko. "You mean he is actually Rei's son."

Hawks freezes, staring at me.

"How do you know Rei Todoroki?" She questions, arms crossed.

"She helped me out for a while." I say, standing up straight so that I'm looking down at her.

"Hey, would you two quit it?" Keigo steps towards us.

"Shut up feathers," Miruko spits, and I look at her surprised. She turns back to me, and I smile.

"I think you and I will get along," I look her over once before she offers a smirk in return. I glance over to Keigo and find him frowning, realizing the mistake he's made.

"Do you know where Dabi is?" Ryleigh asks, tapping Miruko on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm the one who brought him in." Miruko responds, peering at her.

"Then all we need is some gear," I state.

"Oh hell no," Hawks walks forwards, glaring at me. "There is no fucking way I'm letting you go through with that."

"You're not going to stop me, Keigo."

"What are you two talking about?" Miruko cuts in, staring at the two of us. Ignoring her Keigo continues.

"Anielle, that's suicide." He attempts to reason.

"Not like people dying has been reason for you to help before," I sneer. Regretting the jab the instant he flinches.

"I didn't know!" He throws his arms wide, wings puffing out, and his eyes flashing.

"Do you think I care?" I growl.

"What is she talking about?" Miruko stops the conversation again, looking at Hawks.

"None of your business, Rumi."

"You're not stopping me, Keigo. So if you really want to help you'll do what I fucking say, or you'll leave and be off the charts for a few weeks."

He frowns, but doesn't argue again.

"What are you planning?" Miruko, Rumi as Keigo had called her, asks.

"A solo mission," I respond, and Ryleigh's eyes go wide.

"There's no way anybody would survive that," She states, looking at me as if I'm insane. Maybe I am, I think.

"I assassinated a pro-hero eight years ago with my bare hands, breaking a villain out from a couple of their noses isn't going to be that difficult. Especially if he isn't in Tartarus yet, because that means you aren't going to have him under steep surveillance, it'd expose your tactics for gaining information." I sigh. Rumi stares at me blankly.

"And what happens when you die in there, that puts my career and his life on the line," Keigo presses.

"The difference between a villain, and a criminal, is that we haven't gotten caught." Ryleigh smirks. The group looks at her, and I smile.

"Look, kid, thank you for arranging this and all that, but you aren't really the type to help here." Miruko states, trying to baby her with a smile.

"You may be a pro-hero, but I've been training since I discovered my quirk. I've been working on the opposite end of the field, under the same circumstances as you for years. I think you should take me as the type to help here," She frowns, playing bored. I walk to stand by her side.

"She isn't going in with me," I start, and earn an insulted look from Ryleigh. "She can help us though, and from anywhere in the country."

"How?" Keigo takes his turn to watch us skeptically.

"My quirk, is rather simple, I can look through the screen of one device and see what's happening on another. This includes anything from camera lenses, phones, or TV screens." She smirks, pulling up her wristwatch and peering at the screen. There's a small glow around the rim, and then she smiles.

"I can see that Endeavor is on patrol right now," She points in the general direction of another part of the city. "That you have a son or brother, in your apartment," Ryleigh looks to Miruko who frowns. "And that right now Dabi is locked in a room, strapped to a chair, with some man standing by him, questioning him." She stresses questioning part, as that is not what was actually happening. I grit my teeth, and throw a glare at both heroes while they both seem uncomfortable.

"So Anielle, mind giving us the full plan explanation," Keigo crosses his arms, raising a brow.

"Over my dead body." I state.

"What? How are we supposed to do anything?" Miruko stares at me.

"Simply, I will tell you what you have to do, and you will listen. Nobody will need to know the entire thing." I smile.

"You're really the solo type then?" She continues.

"I know what I need to do, and I plan on doing it."

"You're going to get yourself killed." Keigo sighs.

"Keigo Takami, it's been a long time since I worried about whether you cared if I was alive or not." I frown, and Miruko blinks.

"What the fuck do you mean?" She asks.

"The day my father killed my sister, I could have been dead beside her, and this bastard wouldn't have done anything in retaliation." I jut my thumb towards the winged man, who is getting progressively more uncomfortable.

"Anielle," Ryleigh starts, grabbing onto my arm.

"No," I set my hand over hers.

"You, I forgave you a long time ago, but I do not trust you." I spit towards him.

"Tomorrow night, meet me here." I tell the both of them, and tug Ryleigh away. Neither hero says anything, but Keigo grabs onto the other woman, before taking off from the roof.

"You couldn't have meant that," Ryleigh whispers.

I frown down at her, but she's staring blankly forwards. She grabs onto the side of the ladder rung, and drops down, sliding along it barely using the footholds.

A/N: Update Schedule is on my community tab. I'll be running three WIPs as of this Monday each getting one weekly update. And before people say any more about how I should be updating more I'd like to clarify. I don't have to post my stories on here. I have plenty of other places were I can share my work. Like I said running three WIPs each receiving a 1000+ word chapter a week is going to be around 4000+ words total. Without formatting that's eight pages of solid text. I'm also balancing school for, my own mental health, and plenty of other personal things.

Don't tell me what to do with my own content. If you want to tell somebody what to do write your own and work for months building up a readerage where it's actually worth posting. Or start paying for the content you consume. This is a free book to read.

I'm fine with constructive criticism, but people hating on my work annoys the hell out of me.

Kisses <3

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