That Can't Be Right

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Hawks POV

He was clutching the damn ring as he drove. I saw the flinch when he first saw it, but now the thing wasn't getting out of his sight.

"Touya," I say. Watching him. His face didn't shift, and his eyes were fixed on the road.

I lean back and don't push any further. That ring was a reminder of the shit he went through. Just like the burns. And now he has to see it again. He must be reliving his past.

"Hey you burnt cinnamon roll bastard," the young girl behind us says, and I whip my head to face her. I glare, and she mimics the gesture.

"What Ryleigh," He sighs and responds.

"Do you think she's actually dead?" The girl was vulnerable as she asked it. Her voice shaking, but head still high.

"Honestly? No. I don't think she's dead for a couple of reasons. The first being that I was the man with her the night she got jumped. I know just about how much poison was in her system. If they were able to cause the reaction with it, she wouldn't die or lose her quirk entirely. She might be in danger though. So now it's more important than ever to find her."  He wasn't shaking as he said it. He was telling the truth, and I think the girl knew it to because she jumped up from the backseat and settled in the middle one in the front. Right in between the two of us.

"Uh hey kid," I say looking down at her.

"Hey," she responds smiling. I realize then that her smile was similar to Anielle's it was soft, gentle, and usually only came about when she was tired.

She nestles down into her coat, shutting her eyes, and I look over to Dabi staring at me.

"Hmm?" I question looking over at him.

"It's nothing, we need to get her home, but is there any place you want me to deliver you too?"

"No, I can just fly after we drop her off."

And the car returns to silence.

We do eventually reach the Hunters base. Ryleigh was passed out though, and I had to wrap my arms under her arms and legs to get her to the door.

Anielle's friend met me there. She was lovely, with sea green hair and chocolate skin, but from the look I got returning the girl she did not like me.

Dabi waited until I took off to drive away, and I followed him nonetheless. He drove way nicer when it was just him in the car. He stopped at an old run down bar for a bit, and came out carrying something. Then made it all the way to one of the abandoned buildings that had been condemned after a villain attack.

He parked and went inside. After twenty minutes of waiting he didn't return and I headed home.
Anielle POV

"Hey hey hey, you in there," I hear somebody whisper.

Then light almost silent footsteps of another person.

"No you're not dumping seawater on her, we don't want her to get salt in her eyes or drown." The same voice, but louder this time.

"Fine," a female voice answers.

Then I feel the light over my eyes, white and hot. Along with a pounding like a drumbeat in my head. I squint my eyes, and still feel the bright light but this time can see a blue sky.

"Shit she's waking up," the guy says.

I shift my weight so that they couldn't tell I was moving at all. At least all of your limbs are still in tact, and my body was still strong enough. So that when I opened my eyes taking in the two people I was able to jump backwards away from them onto sand?

Oh fuck that's right.

"Hey calm down there," the guy says. He's clad in a tropical patterned shirt and khaki shorts, standing what looks to be his wife from their rings.

"Yeah honey, you were out cold a couple of minutes ago,"

"Fainting spells," I whisper to myself. Taking mental note of bringing it up with Rei.

"What was that dear, I didn't hear you," the wife asks, outstretching a hand.

"I suffer from fainting spells, I think I forgot my meds this morning so I'll be heading home to take them," I lie sweetly, brushing myself off, and checking my pockets to make sure they hadn't stolen anything.

"Well shouldn't we be walking you home, it could be unsafe," the man reaches out his hand towards my arm, and before I can stop him he grabs it to pull me to a stop. I inhale sharply and grab his wrist and elbow pressing down on the two points and bending backwards.

"I'll be alright," I say, and he stands shocked as I let go and his wife rushes to his side.

"Crazy bitch," I hear him whisper but I'm already off jogging.

The black at the corner of my vision is gone, but the salt still stings. I slow to a walk as soon as I notice the people driving a way.


I knew what direction I was going in, but had no clue how far I'd ran. Or how long I'd been passed out.

The walk was easy. My legs still itch to run, but I'd prefer no running into people. I feel a vibration agains my stomach, and pull out my phone to see Rei's contact.

I click the green button and hold it to my ear.

"Hello dear," She says, and her voice is a comfort I didn't think I'd ever have.

"Hi," I sigh.

"What's up with you? Are you outside?"

"Yeah, I went for a jog this morning. I wasn't smart about it to say the least, and well I passed out so I'm making my way home,"

"You did what?! Are you ok?" Her tone now urgent.

"I'm ok, Rei, I was pushing myself to hard, I know I was,"

"Good thing you recognize that, but Anielle, that's serious you could have gotten really hurt,"

"I've been in situations where I could have been hurt plenty of times, but I haven't been."

"That's not the point," she says, as the house comes into my vision.

"You can't push yourself to your breaking point and expect to get better," Rei says solemnly.

"I'm never going to get better if I don't push myself,"

Sorry for the late update guys. I know it's usually Saturdays but I was busy this weekend.

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