Part 29

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Ash's POV


*seven month later*

I breathed out a hiss and Liam held me tight. We were watching a movie, my back against his chest and my large belly toward the telly. "What is it princess? Did our little baby kick hard again?"

"No. I don't know what's wrong. Ow ow ow. Shit Liam! Ahhh. I think... I think I'm in labor."


I STARTED TO CRY, "Don't yell at meeee." Liam took me in his arms apologizing and holding me bridal style. "Liam it hurts. Something's wrong, somethings wrong!" I was frantic. I tried to stay calm but couldn't. This is my little baby we're talking about. It hasn't even had a chance to live it can't die now.

I was a sobbing, frantic mess by the time the paramedics got there. Liam rushed to grab our bags that I had barely just packed while they got me on the stretcher. I had only packed a change or two of clothes for me and one outfit for the baby. I did think I had another two months.

They wrapped monitors around my stomach and stuck a heart monitor to my heart. As they loaded me into the ambulance they anounced that I was, in fact, in labor.

Liam threw our bags in his car and ran up to me. "One of the lads will come grab my car and pick up a car seat at some point. I'm not leaving your side darling."

I nodded. "They will have to grab it tomorrow. I don't know about you but I haven't been able to find a twenty- four hour car seat store yet and it's already past ten-" I was cut off by another painful contraction.

"M'am, sir? We have to go now."

And thats exactly what we did.

Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now