Part 34

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Liam's POV


I slowly sat up. I wasn't angry or even upset. It must be the drugs still in effect. I should be angered. The mother of my newborn son was kissing one of my best mates.

Harry's eyes widened when he saw me and he quickly pushed Ash away. Oddly, that's what made me angry. "D-don't eeverr fucking p-push her." I studderd out, attempting to stand.

"Liam. Liam, baby, it okay I was crying a lot and Harry was just trying to get me to stop. I've just been so worried. I'm so sorry. Please lie back down before you get hurt. Let the medicine wear off." Ashleigh sat next to my legs on the bed and Harry left with a muttered apology.

I slowly relaxed and slurred as I said, "he pushed you. He's not allowed to push you. No one is." she rubbed my leg and I relaxed.

"He didn't hurt me. I'm sorry, baby. Little Liam's doing a bit better now though. We might be able to hold him soon." I tried sitting up again. I needed to see my son.

"Sweetheart we should both be in wheelchairs right now. You're drugged and I just had a baby. I'll text Niall and Louis to help us."

"Not Louis, Zayn." Was my immediate response. Harry rarely went anywhere without Louis attacked to his hip. If Louis came in here, so would Harry.

She nodded. "Okay"

A few minutes later she was going to the bathroom and Niall opened the door to my room. Zayn was right on his heels as they entered. "You paged." Niall said before laughing at his own joke.

Ash came out of the bathroom and we both got into wheelchairs. The boys took us down to see little Liam after the nurse told me I was recovering well and that a doctor would see me later.

I prepared for what I had previously seen when we entered the NICU. Turns out he was doing much better. Most of the mashines where gone and his monitors beeped less. A nurse was standing next to his little heated box thing. Her name tag said Emily.

"Hi. Are you little Liam's mommy and daddy?" She voice was quiet but it was high and sweet.

"That'd be us. How's he doing? Any better?" Ash asked the nurse looking at our son.

"His heart beat is stabilizing for longer periods of time. His breathing is stronger and he has twitched his eyes a few times but has yet to open them. He's doing better."

We sagged in relief hearing that. He was getting stronger. "What's the tube in his stomach?" I asked. It looked bigger than a needle. Had they operated already?

Ash was the one to answer me. "Its called a G-tube. It goes into the stomach and they out nessisary nutrition into it. Since he can't eat on his own he'll starve without it. They out it in with surgery."

Then the nurse, "Speaking of which, its time to feed him." She opened the box and picked up baby Liam. I was surprised when she handed him to me. I was scared to hold him especially with all the wires and tubes but I remembered to support his head.

The nurse brought over the syringe full of dark yellow liquid and attached it to his G-tube. As she pushed the plunger down I played with his tiny hands. And then, with his face close to mine, he opened his big, beautiful eyes.

Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now