Part 3

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Liam's POV


SHIT! FUCK SHIT! MOTHER FUCKING FUCK! WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO!? WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!? Ok, ok Liam... calm the fuck down. They have pills for this shit and doctors and maybe one of you isn't fertile or something. Just. BREATH.

I made my way to the loo, where Ashleigh had run in fear. I disposed the condom in the trash next to my nightstand on my way before I knocked and called her name but she didn't answer. I turned the knob to find it locked.

"Ashleigh? Ashleigh, let me in. Please?" I waited a moment before continuing. "We need to talk about this sweetheart." I heard the shower turn on and made myself comfortable, sitting Indian style with my head back, leaning against the door frame.

About 15 minutes ties later, when Ashleigh still hadn't gotten out of the shower or unlocked the door, I stood up and went to my other bathroom. I turned on that shower, quickly hopping in without waiting for it to heat up. I took a quick five minute shower to relax and wash the sweat off. Well... sweat wasn't the only thing needing to be washed off.

I walked back to my room in only a towel. Ash was still in the shower but I wasn't to worried since girls always take long ass showers and she most likely was trying to clean my seamen up off her. I grabbed some boxers and a pair of shorts, pulling them on quickly before I went back to sitting by the bathroom door.

I soon heard the shower turn off. I tried again, "Ashleigh? Baby, are you okay?" I heard her take a deep breath before she replied. "Yeah. I'm on the pill but still a little scared. I don't know". She sighed and continued with, "Will you grab me my clothes out of my bag?"

I stood up and walked over to her bag and pulled out the first thing my hands landed on. I almost dropped it when I realized what it was. It was a little red and black, lacy, school girl outfit. I looked around in her bag, seeing a bottle of lube, some condoms, and more lingerie. Under it all I found some jean short shorts, a lace camisole, a lace bra, and a matching thong. I assumed that's what she needed so I got up and went to hand them through the door.

I tried to calm my racing heart but Damn, those were some sexy clothes. I sat down once again but this time on the bed. Hearing that she was on birth control was a huge relief.

Ashleigh walked out of the bathroom and I immediately imagined her in the under clothes I had just handed over. Her Hair was wet and messed up all sexy as trailed down her back, her curls reaching her back. I loved her like this; before she straightened her hair or put on makeup, before she put on her jewelry or shoes, before she had time to make herself perfect. I didn't like perfect, imperfection is beauty and I wish I could make her see that.

Ashleigh smirked at my stare as she made her way over to me. She sat down; straddling me with her head and hands on my shoulders, he lips almost brushing my throat. "Let's not worry about it. Okay? It's like a one in a billion chance my birth control won't work and I think I cleaned all of it off me anyway."

"My thoughts exactly babe." I stated, my voice sleepy. "Wanna lie down... that took a lot out of me", I said with a nervous laugh.

She laughed along with me as I lied back on my preferred side of the bed. Ash lied down and cuddled up to me, using my chest as a pillow, one arm slung over my six pack as she snuggled closer. I placed my arms around her; one holding her hip and the other Palm down in the center of her back.

And we lied just like that, as we both drifted of into slumber.

Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now