Part 25

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Ashleigh's POV


I jumped up, grabbing my underwear and running to the the couch. Liam ran to the hallway, shirtless but at least he had pants on. I heard him talking as I pulled my knickers on and sat on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and covered up, flicking on the telly.

As I tried to calm my breathing and act natural I could still here Liam speaking. I didn't know who walked in the door but I hoped they didn't realize they caught us fooling around.

I lied down when I heard the footsteps come closer. Harry walked before Liam, followed closely by Zayn. Oh great, the whole crew is probably here.. and I don't have pant nor a bra on. Fabulous.

"Where's Niall and Louis?" I asked trying to sound natural.

Harry was the one who answered. "Louis is in the kitchen, which of course is where Niall is. Oh and Ash? We know you don't have clothes on under Liam's shirt." Harry smile cheekily as my face turned beat red.

Zayn turned away and Liam finally spoke up. "Well then, get out." He said it as casually as you would ask someone to pass the salt.

Zayn complied immediately murmuring something about leaving to meet Perrie. Harry, on the other hand, didn't leave without giving me a big smile. A smile that seemed to say 'Oh, everyone's gonna here about this one!'.

"Styles, don't you dare!" I spoke with fear coursing though my veins.

He had an evil smile on his face as he pulled out his phone. "Harold, what are you doing," Liam said glancing at him.

"Now twitter knows all about Liam and Ash getting caught in the act." At that, Harry began to run with Liam hot on his tail.

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