Chapter 10

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Odo has been searching for the Viridian for 3 hours. 20 levels later and a bunch of room sweeps after, he found the Viridian. Hiding with a communicator in one of the cargo holds. He was in Quarks section of the cargo hold to be exact. We end up getting the blood back and the Viridian confesses his crimes and gets sent to a penal colony on Sal II. Julian recovered fully and is suppose to be back at work in a day. I am off to my shift, I grab a Raktijino and head to ops.
"Commander I need you in my office." Sisko says as soon as I get up to ops.
"Aye sir." I say. When I get in the major is in there also.
"You wanted to see me." I say.
"We believe we might have found Odo's people. We got a call from them two hours ago. They want to come to the station."
"What do you need me to do?" I ask.
"I need you in your dress uniform in 30 minutes. Your going with the major, constable, Dax and I to greet them in upper pylon three."
Dang it. I hate wearing dress uniform. Let's just say I don't like being a ambassador for the federation because I'm not the best representation of a model citizen. Apparently Sisko has always thought I'm the best at it. I crack computer codes, can stop a bomb from going off in a matter of minutes, can solve a mathematical problem at the speed of light and fix a computer in under 10 minutes, but being an ambassador...not my forte.
"Yes sir..." I say.
As the major and I walk out of the Commanders office the major asks me
"You don't like being a ambassador or do you not like wearing dress uniform? Because you looked like you were about to get sick just so you could skip it!"
"I don't like being an ambassador, it's not like I'm a model citizen." I state.
"I understand, when I was picked to be liaison for Bajor on DS9....I wanted to resign. But I got better, plus DS9 now feels like my family. It's only been a month now, but I like it here." Kira says.
"Well I have to get ready, I'll see you in thirty." I say.
I walk away and get to my room, I walk in, and go to my closet. My room is super clean, like OCD clean. It's a thing I got into after I was enhanced, I clean everything.
I grab my best dress uniform and put it on. By the time I fix my hair, grab my tablet which has my protocols and information on it, and grab shoes. It's 10 minutes till the changelings get here, if that's what they go by. I rush to the lift and yet up to upper pylon three.
"Just on time Taylor, you were almost late." Sisko says.
"Sorry." I say.
The door opens and three people greet us. They call themselves the Dominion.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Commander Benjamin Sisko of DS9, this is my first officer, Major Kira Nyris, my second officer and head of computer operations, Commander Taylor Stone, my science officer, Jadzia Dax, and Odo, head of Security." He says.
"It is a honor to meet you all."
"We have a little party for you all, if you would come this way." Sisko says.
When we get to the party it's not that packed but all the main staff is there. I am not a party person and apparently Odo isn't either, I'm sitting in a chair going over a new compute technique I got a from Star Fleet and Odo is talking to his people but really seeming out of place. Dax comes up to me and says. "Don't like parties?"
"Yeah, I'm not even one for my own, I've never really celebrated one. Admiral Pike was always busy. He would give me gifts and stuff but it never really happened." I state.
"I'm throwing you a party when your birthday comes around and you aren't missing it!"
"Alright. My birthday is actually in a few days." I say after hesitation.
"I can't believe your going to be 17! You seemed like you were 5 only a short while ago! Curzon was so fond of you. He loved teaching you everything."
"Yeah. He was a great teacher, he was like a mentor to me, besides Admiral Pike." I say.
"Thanks. It means a lot." I Dax says.
The party finishes and I go to my quarters.

Short chapter! Next one is going to be long again. Hope you like it!

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