Chapter 37

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My whole life I've gone thinking...what if?

What if I die alone?

What if I never find happiness?

What if I find out that everything that I have ever known has been a lie?

"What does this have to do with my father!?" I scream at Elliot.

"Just like I said...all of this. How I know this all you came to be." He taunts while moving forward with each and every phrase.

"You're lying." I grit through my teeth, "My father would never associate with someone like you..ever."

By this point my blood is boiling. By this point I don't know what to believe and not to believe anymore. By this point I'm about to slash someone's head off their body.

But what if this all did have to do with my dad?

I don't really know any information on his death..only that he was beat up on by a gang. As for the gang I have no idea. There was no thought in my mind to dig deeper into them. I was so engrossed and depressed by my fathers non existence that I didn't realize there could be something much bigger to go along with it.

"Sweetie you don't know anything. Or maybe you do.."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean now."

"It means that your little boyfriend..Luke is it? Wouldn't appreciate it very much if a little someone were to let him know that you were i don't know on the streets again..only to meet with her enemy who could i don't know hurt her immensely."

"You sick bastard don't bring him into this." I sneer. But then I realize something in the process, "How do you even know about him!?"

"There a lot you don't know about this situation Riley I'm disappointed. I'd expect with your reputation you would be more oh I don't know aware and prepared."

"I don't need to reach your expectations."

"You're right you don't. But what you do need to reach is my requests."


" here. 8:00 next Friday. If you're not here then we'll you don't want to know what I can do to your boy toy."

"You actually think I'm scared of you?"

"No I think you are immune to everything I say or do. But this time you should be more considerate. Did you know that boy toys are very easy to break?"


By the time I leave the city it's past midnight. I'm riding through the traffic like unicorn in a field of cucumbers.

My father..

Is all I could think.

My father has something to do with this. But what, how, and why?

So many questions I could ask so many answers I could've gotten. If only that one night didn't happen. If only he wasn't such a stubborn man. If only those delinquents weren't born.

By the time I show up to my house and take my helmet off I only come to realize that it's not my house I'm at.

It's Luke's.

I came here instead of my own home?

Of course I did. I need him and I need his comfort in a time like this.

Swinging one leg over the bike I set both feet onto the polished concrete. I make sure not to make too much noise as I creep towards the side of the huge ass mansion to Luke's window.

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