Chapter Twenty-Two: Stop breathing

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“You breath too loudly.” I moaned and elbowed Wesley’s ribs.

He grabbed it and held me still.

“And I can’t sleep with you fidgeting the whole friggen time.”  He replied sleepily.

I knew that he’d already slept for a few hours but his breathing was keeping me awake. I had to wake him.

I just had to.

“Want to watch a film?” I suggested hopefully.

Wesley let out a groan and rolled over.

“Go to sleep.”

“I can’t” I complained and touched my cold hands against his skin.

He flinched and almost fell out of bed.

“If I watch a film with you will you shut up?”

I nodded and Wes got up to put in a film.

He crawled back into bed and put his arm around my shoulder.

I could see his bare chest moving up and down as he breathed.

The film he put in was The Wedding singer, but of course already knew that.

We watched the film together just sat in silence

I wasn’t sure if Wes was asleep but I didn’t want to move him just in case he was.

The part of the film where Adam Sandler sings to Julia came on.

A smile crossed my cheeks; that was my favorite part of the movie.

As the song began, Wesley sang along quietly.

He’d kill me if he knew I was still awake and listening to him sing it word for word.

I felt his muscles tense as he leaned over me.

I shut my eyes quickly and he leaned back again.

I could hear the end credits rolling and Wes gently got up to turn it off.

Every fiber of my being hated me right now.

I was supposed to be teaching Wes a lesson but in the end, I was actually going to miss him.


The car pulled up to the house slowly, intensifying all the emotions I felt.

Wes was practically shaking with anticipation, Drew was singing and Keaton was taking more pictures than you could shake a stick at.

“I can’t believe we’re here.” Wesley breathed, clearly in awe.

I smiled at how sweet he looked.

Anyone could see how badly they wanted it; it was obvious.

Wesley opened the car door and helped me out kindly.

I knew I didn’t belong here straight away.

The only people already here were families of the contestants.

I don’t know how he knew what I was thinking but he took my hand in his.

“Don’t be distant. I want you here.” He whispered to me.

I felt a little better.

I took one of Wesley’s bags and put it over my shoulder before following Drew into the house.

We were taken to the guy’s room and I placed Wes’s bag down.

The room was massive and so clean.

Each of them had a drawer for the things and I space in the wardrobe.

Drew and Keaton went to get the rest of their things.

They crossed Wes in the doorway as he walked in.

I turned my back to them and opened the big wardrobe doors.

Wes slipped his arms around my lower stomach and laid his head in my neck.

“I want you to stay with me.” He pouted.

I sighed and took one of the shirts from his bag and put it on a hanger in the wardrobe.

Once I was happy that everything was neatly away for ALL of the guys I stood up and tapped my hands on my knees to get my circulation flowing again.

“I should be going now.” I mumbled sadly.

The guys all complain but I can tell that they’re far too excited to actually care.

Wes follows me out to the parking lot and looks down at me.

I grip my board tightly, trying not to get emotional like I promised I wouldn’t.

“I’ll miss you. Skype me every week and make sure you watch me!” He smiled.

I returned the smile even though I didn’t feel like it.

“Where are you heading now?”

“Into town, there’s a show on tonight I wanna see.” I explained to him.

He nodded and pulled me in close.

“Bye Wes.” I sniffled a little and that made Wesley laugh.  “Tell the boys I said bye.”

“I will.” He held up his pinky for me to link mine with.

I wiggled both of our hands around a bit.

His big brown eyes looked down into mine and made me melt inside.

Slowly Wes leant down and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

I was taken aback but I smiled at him nonetheless.

“Goodbye Scout.” He mumbled into my hair.

I waved him off and threw my board down.

My eyes scanned the house one last time before heading off.

He stood watching me as I left.

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