Chapter Thrity-Seven: Je suis tres fin

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My eyes scanned over everything I had laid out on my bed back at my mother’s house.

Guitar… check.

Pick… check.

Wes’s jacket… check.

Mystery Envelope… check.

I was just about ready to go. I gathered everything together and turned to leave. My shoes were by the front door; I had decided to wear a new pair of vans because I was walking a long way.

In my head I figured that Wes’s mom’s house was my best bet on finding him. He had been with his father, according to his friend Mikayla, since they got eliminated but now he was due to go see Laraine.

I headed out the door and grabbed my board which was lying on the front lawn. Pushing it to the ground, I got on and skated away from my house that was soon to be un-furbished of my things. I was officially moving out.

My nerves began eating away at me as I neared the road on which the Stromberg’s house was. I knew the area well but I still felt as though I’d got the wrong place.

As I skated up outside their house, I could see Wes’s car outside meaning he was there.

It took all the courage inside of me to get me to knock on the door. My heart beat almost out of my chest as I waited for someone to open the door.

I heard a shuffling come from inside and the door slowly swung open. Keaton stood there; he looked around swiftly and then gave me a smile.

“What are you doing here?” He almost whispered.

“I need you to go and get Wes for me. I need him to see me so don’t tell him it’s me.”

Keaton nodded and pushed the door so it was almost shut. I sat down on the gravel drive way; ignoring the fact that the sharp ground under me was digging into my ass and that it was cold from the shade covering it.

I got out the guitar and placed it on my lap, adjusting it until it was comfortable. The pick was smooth against my shaking fingers as I waited for him to appear.

I must have looked so strange to just be sat on their drive waiting on someone who might just shut the door on my face. I had rung him to apologize but he cut me off. Hence the current display…

The door opened again and a tired looking Wesley stepped outside, looking around for someone. When his eyes fell on me he froze up.

“Scout.” He mumbled as though he was lost for words.

“Wes I’m so sorry. I need to explain to you but first I did something for you.”

Before he could walk away, I took the pick and strummed away at the guitar.

Without letting any nerves ruin my chance to win him back. Inside I knew this was my one chance. I had accidentally messed up and I didn’t want to lose him over it. I could tell by the look on his face when he saw me that I had done some considerable damage. And that killed me. It was now or never.

I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad

Carry you around when you’re arthritis is bad

Oh, all I wanna do is grow old with you

I’ll give you medicine when your tummy aches

Build you a fire if the furnace breaks

Oh, it could be so nice growing old with you

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