Chapter Twenty-Seven: Die young

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She raised her eyebrow at me, looking highly unamused.

I smiled regardless, she was being herself again and this time she wasn’t drunk. It felt good that she was comfortable around me.

“I don’t want a present.” She muttered into the wind and turned away from me. “Let’s go somewhere.”

I sighed and gripped her wrist tightly, forcing her to face me.

“No. Scout.” My voice was adamant and I knew she could recognize that. “Look at me.”

Her beautiful brown eyes met mine and something inside me just melted. It was still sinking in how much she meant to me. The image of the first day I met her flashed into my head. I remembered how she turned up late and got in trouble. I knew I was smiling stupidly at her but I felt ok because she was too.

“Here” I stammered and placed a small box in her hand.

Scout’s features softened from her previous reaction.

“I- It- Oh fuck you Wesley Stromberg.”

She was speechless. I could feel my heart beating like crazy as she fumbled with the box. Every fiber of me ached for her to love it as much as I did her.

Her fingers prized the box open (eventually) and her jaw dropped when she saw what was inside.

“Wes…” Scout breathed so quietly. It was excruciating to watch her; I had no idea if she liked it. Like always, she was so hard to read.

She took the little necklace out and closed her fingers around it.

“How did you know?” Her voice was strained. I could hear the emotion dripping from her. “How did you know about this?”

 “I saw the picture of this symbol in your room. And that tattoo…”

I knew that if I said anymore I may be digging myself a grave. A deep one…

Before I could even begin to accidentally make things worse for myself, her arms shot around my neck and squeezed me tight.

“This is perfect.”

I could finally relax. She wasn’t mad.

I hugged her back as tightly as I could without squishing the poor girl.

“Now let go!” She squeaked with a giggle. I did as she asked and let her go, but still keeping her close enough to me.

She stood motionless and silent for a second, just looking at me.

“I need to get you something now.” Scout moaned. Involuntarily, I rolled my eyes. She couldn’t even go one minute without trying to settle the score.


“I suggest you remove your hand from my waist now, if not sooner, if you wish to live to see another day.” Scout warned me as I tried to help her cross the road.

I laughed it off but needless today, I did remove my hand.

I like living.

We arrived at the local beach and walked along the promenade hand in hand. Her skin was cold but she wasn’t shivering and I doubt she would have let me get any closer.

“Whatchu thinking about my dear?” She chirped happily, turning to me energetically.

You. Always you. Nothing but you. Holding you. Kissing you. Talking to you about everything. Just you.

“Your dress.” I mumbled nervously, trying not to let anything slip out. I couldn’t ruin this moment. Nothing could. I hope.

“Really? I think I liked it better off.” She admitted but then stared at me, open mouthed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

I chuckled at her obvious embarrassment. Scout looked away with red cheeks. All I wanted to do was wipe all the makeup off her face. I wanted to see the real her.

Suddenly her phone burst into life. The ringtone was a song that seemed vaguely familiar, the sort of song that blended into the background of a perfect moment with her. Unnoticed but still there.

She fumbled about in her pocket and produced the sleek and shiny phone.

It wasn’t a registered number. Her eyes looked to me for guidance. I shrugged and gave her a swift nod, she could always hang up.

Her hand let mine go gently and pressed answer. Scout held her hand up to excuse herself for a second. I willingly gave her some space and watched her as she sauntered a little way off from me.

I sat down on the nearest bench and looked out on the sea. The waves broke against the shore and instantly made me feel at peace. Something about the sea had always called to me. It had a hold over me.

All my worries and emotions subsided and all I felt was the cool breeze against my skin.

I could feel myself getting more and more caught up in everything as I leant against the back of the bench and let my eyes close.

My chest rose and fell as I took in the fresh air and let it back out again.

I don’t know how long I was in that peaceful state for. I couldn’t even begin to guess. But after a while, it felt different. My mind couldn’t explain it but it couldn’t fight it either.

I knew something was wrong. I could just feel it.

My eyes shot open and I sat up lightening fast.

I didn’t even notice myself jump up and search for Scout.

She had her back to me, stood deathly still and silent.

Her arm was still elevated, holding the phone to her ear.

I watched as it flopped down and the phone fell to the concrete. The crash rang out in my eyes. She didn’t move.

There are times you can just tell that someone is not ok.

This was one of those times.

My feet carried me until I was stood in front of her.

She wasn’t looking away from me but she wasn’t looking at me either. It was like she was staring through me.


She didn’t respond. Not even a flinch, an blink. Nothing.

“What happened?”

Finally she moved. Her face looked up into mine and I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

I pulled her into my chest. She didn’t fight it; only fell onto me as if she were a piece of cardboard.

Even under my massive jacket I could feel her violently shaking against me. I heard her let out a muffled sob as she hugged me back.

“It’s Matty…” She croaked and looked up at me.

Oh shit.

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