Chapter Seven: Fine

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Only one thing crossed my mind initially as I awoke.




The throbbing in my head didn’t fade as I sat up slowly.

Then the second thing hit me.

Where in the heck am I?

“Oh, Scout it’s so lovely of you to join us!” A woman laughed.

She was wearing a white lab coat type thing and had a stethoscope around her neck.

I narrowed my eyes slightly and looked around.

In a chair next to the bed I was lying on, was a sleeping Wesley.

What the actually fu-


“How are you feeling now?” the woman asked.

I returned my gaze to her and opened my mouth to speak.

“My head hurts.”

“I would imagine it will do for a few days, you had concussion after you fell in Gym class…” she explained but my mind only drew a blank.

I couldn’t remember anything.

Suddenly Wesley jumped up and grabbed my arm.


I shook him off and shot him a glare.

“Yes, thanks.”

His cheeks went red as he sat back down.

“Anyway, we kept you in overnight and we think you should go home and rest for a few days with supervision.” The doctor, I presume, advised.

I nodded meekly and went to get up.

“Are your parents home today?” she asked.

I shook my head.

Mum and Josh, her boyfriend, weren’t coming back until tomorrow afternoon.

“I could stay with you.” Wesley chimed in quietly.

I mentally face-palmed as he spoke.

Why was he even here anyway?

“That’s good, you have someone at least. Well if you accept the man’s offer then we can let you go now.” The doctor looked from me to Wesley.

I felt a chuckle rise from my throat a little.


Wesley was just an immature little boy.

“Fine.” I muttered bluntly. “Just get me out of here.”


Wesley insisted on helping me walk to my front door case I decided to pass out or something.

“Could you lay off a little please? I’m tender.” I snapped as he tried to yank me up the stairs.

He nodded apologetically and went back to his car to get my school bags.

I kicked the plant pot aside to reveal the spare key under it.

I swung the heavy door open and stepped inside.

My house was cool and the air felt clearer than that of the stuffy warm air outside.

Wesley popped his head inside and then all of him stepped inside.

“You need to sleep.” He said determinedly.

My attitude could not control itself and I just had to roll eyes.

Any excuse to be the hero.

Nevertheless, I complied willingly due to the fact I was on the verge of sleeping then and there.

Wesley followed me up to my room and put my bags in the corner.

I got into bed and pulled my covers up over me and motioned for Wesley to get in too.

“I’m not tired though…” he complained but my glare convinced him otherwise.

He climbed in over me got under the covers.

Finally comfortable and warm I could feel the sleep imminent.

My eyes closed and all was forgotten.

When I awoke to the harsh morning sunlight of the Saturday, Wesley was already gone.

Without permission, a sigh escaped from the lips and cascaded around the room.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

My room looked surprisingly tidier than it had last night and well… ever.

A noise from downstairs caught my attention.

I let my feet hit the cold floor and I padded to the stairs.

My stomach rested against the railings as I peered over at whatever was making the noise.

I couldn’t see it so decided it was best to lean back again; one accident was enough.

I went to investigate further downstairs.

“Wesley?” my voice called out weakly.


A let out a sigh of relief and went to the kitchen to find him.

He was stood behind the breakfast bar and was making something.

Three plates were laid out there along with three glasses of orange juice.

Orange juice had always been my favorite.

Mum never bought it anymore.

How had it gotten in the house?

“You got this?” I asked Wesley, motioning to the orange juice.

He shook his head and absentmindedly continued on with making breakfast.

I felt someone behind me suddenly and the feeling sent a shiver down my spine.

He’d let someone in my house?

What the fuc-

“Hey baby girl.” They said into my ear.

Instead of screaming in fear, I felt myself let out a small laugh in shock.

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