Chapter Twenty-Nine: You make me happy

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A/N: Guys, I hate to get all soppy on you but it's an hour until my birthday and it's Christmas today. I just want to thank you all for the comments and votes. Please continue to do so (beg) because it's actual motivation to carry on writing for you all. Love you all <3 Have a lovely Christmas or what is left of it. Make sure you all do one thing for me and that is thank someone you love for all the amazing things they do and will continue to do for you!


We waited together, with Scout on my lap for five hours with no word on Matty.

Scout didn’t talk at all.

Eventually she fell asleep so I picked her up and let her curl up in a ball on the cushioned bench in the waiting room. I sat on the end of the bench with her.

I wanted to protect her and never leave her side but I knew I could only stay for three days at most.

It killed me to think that she might still be here, alone, after I leave. But what would kill me more would be HER if I didn’t leave. She’d want me to go and put on a good show.

One of the nurses approached me quietly.

“Are you Wesley?” She asked, her voice only a whisper.

I nodded and looked at her oddly.

How had she known?

“Matty would like to speak to you.” She smiled and waved me over.

I took a last look at Scout sleeping quietly on the bench and decided it was best to leave her asleep, I’d be back soon anyway.

The nurse showed me to a private posh looking room and told me to head in.

I pushed the door open and saw a guy laying in the bed. He was all cut up and bruised. I knew it was Matty because he looked a bit like Scout.

I think it was the way they both carried themselves, despite the situations.

“Wesley?” He croaked out.

I nodded and walked over to the side of the bed. There was a chair next to it so I sat down and looked at Matty.

“How do you know me?” I asked him quietly, as if my words would break him.

“Scout phoned me, about two and a half weeks ago. She told me all about you. And I mean everything…” He trailed off and I knew he was trying to hint that he knew about me kissing Scout. “I want to talk to you about her, if that’s ok.”

“Of course.” I mumbled like an idiot. “Anyone that means this much to Scout is a hero in my eyes.”

Matty smiled and tried to sit up.

“So. Here’s the thing. I know everything about my sister. She tells me everything. I was the person she came to first when she lost her virginity. I was the person she could always count on.” He didn’t give anything away about where this conversation was going. “Now, my sister told me the last time we spoke that there was this guy. She told me your name. I knew you from around the skate park. I didn’t trust you. And apparently neither does she. She worked out that Drew dared you to befriend her. Is this true?”

Suddenly it hit me, hard. The conversation with Drew that day came rushing back.

He told me how we’d make the guys respect us again.

I felt like such an idiot. She’d known all along.

“I- It is but it’s not like that. Drew dared me to but then I told him I wouldn’t do it. They way I acted around your sister was 100% me.” My voice was strained. I didn’t want Matty to think I was trying to hurt her. He couldn’t think that.

He let out a chuckle and laid his head back against the mountain of pillows.

“I know, kid. I was just testing you.”

“Oh.” Was all I managed to say. I was relieved as hell but I knew there was more to come.

“Now; my sister, whether she cares to admit it or not, has fallen for you. You might not be able to see it. She might not be able to see it. But I know her better than anyone and I can see it.” Matty spoke clearly so I could keep up with him. “I’m going to be in rehab for a while to get these ol’ things working again.” He prodded his legs with his hands. “I want you, in your spare time when you’re not on the show and whenever you can, to take care of her. Make her realize that she’s in love with you. Do WHATEVER you have to, if you know what I mean, but just make it classy ok? Oh and I don’t want to hear about that stuff though…”

We both chuckled and I sat back in the chair. No wonder Scout was so close to her brother, something about him just made me want to tell him my life story.

“Matty, I’m totally in love with your sister. I want to protect her from everything but she won’t let me. What am I meant to do?” I begged. He gave me a knowing smile and glanced at the door.

“You have to show her that you trust her; make her see that and she’ll trust you back. I promise.”

Matty and I talked for a little while before Scout came running in and jumped on him. I watched as the pair of them spoke for hours, both in tears. I remained quiet for most of it but I didn’t mind, I loved watching Scout with her brother because I knew she was truly happy.

And I knew that I was going to make her feel like that with me.

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