Chapter Thirty-Six: Coming clean

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(a/n) Hey guys I'm so sad to say but this is the second from last official chapter. Which means the next one will be an extra long last chapter! WOOOO! I will miss it and I'm gonna be really cheeky here but if you want the next chapter up quicker then you'll have to vote and comment just cos;)

Anyway, I will be writing a slightly longer epilogue a little later on but for now this is it after the next chapter. Oh god it's more sad than I thought! xxxxxx


Dad shut the car door after me and got in the driver’s side. I didn’t sit in the front with him. I don’t think I could face being so close to him considering he was so angry.

His eyes roamed over the rear-view mirror and met mine. Dad’s glare was cold.

“I can’t believe you snuck out without my permission.” He tutted and began the long journey home.

And so began the longest hour and a half drive home.

“Look, dad I’m sorry.”

He held one hand up and cut me off suddenly. I still wasn’t used to my dad being so hands on. Just weeks ago, he wasn’t even in my life and now he was disciplining me.

“It’s very well saying you’re sorry but you still did it.”

“I know, I know. But Katy told you why I went. Don’t you get it?” I groaned and looked out the window to avoid his awkward eye contact. “Can I at least have my phone back? Wes probably thinks I’m ignoring him.”

“Wes Wes Wes. Last time I saw him, you weren’t so keen on the kid and now he’s your life?” Dad asked accusingly.

I try my hardest not to go red or do anything stupid but I’m forgetting that he’s like a bloody hawk.

Don’t be obvious.

“And then you sneak out and go and see him.” Dad thought it over in his head and his mouth dropped open. “You didn’t…”

Oh shit here we go…

“DAD!” I yelled in embarrassment.

“What? I just want to know if the answer is yes or no.” His voice is calmer than before but I can tell he’s on edge and won’t give up. I could lie but it wouldn’t do me any good. I could say nothing but then he wouldn’t let me out the car.

“Did you?”

“Yes. I don’t regret it, Dad. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” I felt a tear run down my reddened cheeks and onto my jumper that Wes had leant me.

Dad looked at me again. This time he didn’t look angry or upset. A little disappointed, maybe but not too bad. His eyes looked apologetic.

“You really like him, don’t you?”

I nodded and look at my hand to stop myself from crying any more. My nails neatly painted for once and look fairly nice.

“I love him dad.” I mumbled, no longer feeling the need to hide behind anything. He would be able to tell anyway.

“I know, kiddo. I know.” He soothed. The distance between us made the conversation disjointed but I appreciated his concern for my feelings. I think he felt bad for being so brash and careless before. Then again, he wasn’t used to dealing with any of this.

Less than a couple of months ago he had no idea that his son was at war and his daughter wasn’t so innocent anymore. Well I never really was well behaved anyway.

The rest of the journey was spent in silence. I fell asleep and awoke as we pulled up on the drive. My vision was fuzzy from all the tears that had formed as I slept.

My emotions had been torn to shreds these past few weeks. I never used to be like this and then all of a sudden it’s a normal thing for me.

Dad came round and opened the door for me, letting me fall against his chest.

“I’m going back to bed.”

He grabbed my arm as I was walking off and dragged me back to him. His hand scrabbled around in his pocket.

“First I want you to go and do something for me.” Dad smiled cheekily and placed my phone back in my hands. “Go make it all right.”

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