Chapter Nine: Game on

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“Dad?” I choked out.

The man in front of me smiled sweetly, completely contradicting the man I knew him to be.

It’s not that he was violent.

Or mean.

Or abusive.

No, he had a different style.

It was called the ‘I will never be around for you teenage years’ approach.

It hurt me, mentally.

And now here he was.

I shot Wesley a glare and he looked back at me, dazed.

“Can I talk to you for a second, Wes?” I said sternly and grabbed his muscley arm, dragging him into the hall.

“What?” he said innocently.

“How could you just let him in?”

Wesley seemed taken aback at my anger.

“He said he was your dad, he knew your name!” Wes shouted back.

“Shut up dumbass!” I hissed, trying not to catch my dad’s attention. “You don’t think a stalker would know my name?”

He stood for a second, considering his error.

“Look I’m sorry Scout!” He whispered back. “But let’s face it, I could protect you.”

The anger rose up inside me, waiting to bubble over the edge.

“No, Wes. You can’t protect me. Because I barely know you. You act like I belong to you just because you save my ass, one time! Well guess what? I’m NOT yours.”

He stood there shocked.

I’ll admit I felt a little guilty for saying those things but I couldn’t help it.

I’d never let anyone in, except Sam.

And now Mr. popular takes an interest as if I’m some bet?

Hang on, some bet?

Now that makes sense.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

Wesley looked up at me and a smirk was painted across his face.

He stuck his head around the corner to see where my dad was and then returned.

“Listen, Scout…” he said mockingly.

His strong hands pushed me against the wall and held me there.

I felt my heart skip a beat and my breathing quicken.

Wesley brought his face close to my neck and his breath tickled me.

A shiver climbed down my spine.

He let his warm breath tease me for a second, like a professional and then whispered in my ear.

“I could have you in my bed in a day, if I wanted.”

And with that he let me go and returned back to my father as if nothing had happened.

I stood there, reeling in shock.

I’d never actually seen that side of Wesley in action.

And I’ve got to say- damn he’s good…

But I can do one better.

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