Chapter Twenty-Six: Living

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“OH MY GOD!” Maddy yelled excitedly.

I threw my hands over my ears dramatically and she quietened down a little.

“You look amazing!” She squeaked and pulled me into a hug.

I shook her off and looked in the mirror in her room.

The person I saw staring back at me didn’t look like the girl I arrived as.

Maddy had caked my face in makeup and had gotten me a dress for the dance tonight.

As much as I’d like to deny that I was excited to see Wes, I knew I was.

It’d been another two weeks without him. It sucked balls.

I mean, Maddy tried to keep me in school and entertained and Morgan and Parker did the exact opposite.

Apparently all three of them had conflicting opinions on what was best for me.

I tried to show my appreciation but they wouldn’t even let me watch the show, let alone go and visit him again.

Not after last time.

I felt myself cringe inwardly at the thought of my drunken foolishness.

Maddy’s shrill voice burst through my little memory bubble and let me fall straight back down to reality.

“I can’t believe it’s the dance already!”

I smiled at her. Bless, she was so excited. I think it was because Morgan had asked her to the dance and she GLADLY accepted.

But that meant that Parker didn’t take no for an answer.

Stupid Morgan.


The music was blaring from a mile away.

Parker suggested that he give me a piggy back but Maddy had almost bitten him for suggesting such a thing.

So instead I had to walk in these stupid platform boots she’d made me wear.

Needless to say, I got my own back but complaining all the way there.

When we arrived, beautiful little lights illuminated the front of the gym.

A few people were outside smoking and I longed to join them but again, it didn’t fit with Maddy’s agenda.

The girl likes to plan, what can you do?

The whole gym was decorated to look all sparkly and cute. I’ll admit, I thought it looked amazing.

Everyone was already dancing, with the exceptions of a few people on the bleachers.

A band was playing away on stage and a few tables were set up.

Suddenly a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up.

I wiggled my legs frantically, trying to escape.

“GET OFF! I’M NOT WHO YOU’RE LOOKING FOR!” I yelled out awkwardly. I assumed someone had mistaken me for their date, I mean I NEVER wore dresses. EVER.

“You’re exactly who I’m looking for!” Wes laughed and put me down.

Immediately I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight.

Suddenly everything felt ok again. He was back, if only for a day.

I didn’t let go, fearing that if I did, he’d fade away.

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