Chapter Fourteen: Lesbian?

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I took Scout to the secluded corner of my favorite beach, a little way around the corner where nobody goes.

As soon as we got there, Scout slipped off her shoes and threw them on the sand.

“Come down to the water with me.” She said.

Something told me I didn’t have a choice.

Again, the feeling returned.

The feeling that there was something about her that had a hold over me.

Something I couldn’t explain.

I took off my shoes and followed her to the water.

It was damn cold.

“Can you teach me how to surf tomorrow?” she spun around and faced me.

“Sure.” Immediately I knew I’d promised Keaton and Drew that I’d do something with them. “And then you can come with me to practice.”

Her face lit up excitedly.

It wasn’t an emotion I’d ever seen from her before.

She pulled me by the hands further in, up to our knees.

A grin slipped its way across her cheeks as she got closer to me.

Her hands slowly snaked up my chest but her hands were tense.

Without warning she pushed back hard against me.

My body splashed into the water, soaking me from head to foot.

“SCOUT TAYLORS!” I yelled angrily and ran off up the beach after her.

She collapsed onto the sand and shielded her face.

I fell down next to her, out of breath.

“Wow. I didn’t see that one coming.” I admitted but my voice was almost a husky growl.

Scout let out a cute little giggle and rolled over to face me.

“I did.”

The coldness of the water had submerged my clothes and made me shiver.

Scout scooted closer to me and pressed her warm skin against mine.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her there so she couldn’t escape.


“Oh my god!”  I awoke to a loud squeal.

A familiar one too.

“Is that really him?” Scout said quieter.

It was obvious she didn’t want to wake me.

Too late, Taylors.

Groggily, I sat up in my messy bed and rubbed my eyes.

My vision adjusted finally, enough for me to see through the open door and down the hall.

Keaton’s door was open and he was sat on the bed.

On the floor, Scout laid stretched out looking through an album.

A photo album.

I jumped up quickly and ran across the hall.

Scout sat up and rested on her elbow.

“Oh hey there lesbian.” She smiled sweetly and Keaton let out a stifled laugh.

I shot him a death glare.

“You showed her!?” I yelled defensively.

She’s seen the photos of you looking like a lesbian!

“It was Keaton.” She confessed, still giggling.

I was super mad.

And not sure why.

“Don’t be mad.” Her lip bottom lip jutted out and her eyes went big.

Scout stood up and energetically threw her arms around my neck, meaning she had to stand on her tip-toes.

All my anger faded at her touch.

Keaton made a gagging sound as I slid my arms around her lower back and he flopped onto his back on his bed.

Scout let me down and turned to face Keaton with her hands on her waist.

“What was that Keaton?” she teased and jumped on top of him.

He struggled to shake her off and so I joined in.

“GET OFF WES! YOU’RE TOO HEAVY!” He moaned. “Scout! Make him stop!”  

Scout giggled and pushed me off of them.

Suddenly another person launched themselves on top as well.

“Yay cuddles!” Drew said enthusiastically.

Scout wriggled out and stood up.

“Scout, this is Drew.” I explained and Drew got up and embraced her.

She seemed taken aback at his actions.

“Nice to meet you Scout.”

She nodded and retreated back into her usual standoff-ish shell.

And just like that, the Scout I’d spent all that time with disappeared.

“I..err am going to take a shower. Your mom said it was ok.” She mumbled and scurried off to my bathroom.

What did I do now?

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