Chapter Eleven: Being played

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I skipped out of my room, leaving Wes stood there.

A cheeky smile crossed my lips as I soaked up the feeling of getting revenge.

No, revenge was a bit too strong.

It was only a bet.

Let’s say, it felt good the play the player at his own game.

I found Katy and Dad in the living room and slouched onto the sofa next to Katy.

“Are you ok now?” she winked subtly.

I nodded and smiled sweetly.

Somehow, in the space of a day, she’d managed to get attached to Wes.

If only she knew the real him.

The man whore.

“Anyway, babe, we better get going.” She said reluctantly, looking at her watch.

She stood up and looked over at dad.

“Meet you in the car.”

Dad nodded and Katy hugged me before leaving.

Dad looked at me dead in the eyes.

“How’s Matty?”

My heart sank.

It was now practically in hell.

“Oh, Dad.” I whispered.

He didn’t know.

He wasn’t there.

He had no idea.

“Dad-“ I choked out, just thinking about it. “He’s out in Afghanistan, dad”

For the first time in my life, I saw my dad look truly upset.

His eyes watered a little but he recovered quickly.

“Oh right, well.”

I looked down at the floor.

“I best be off, if you need anything, Katy wrote down our address and our numbers ok? I love you kiddo.” He smiled and ruffled up my hair.

I stood motionless as he walked past me to the front door.

I heard the stairs creak and two voices.

“Hey, Kid. I’m off now.”

“Oh, it was nice to meet you sir.”

“You too, Wesley.”

“Bye, sir.”

“One thing, kid.”


“Look after my little girl. She may seem tough but she’s not. She’s going to break sometime soon. And it could be just one little thing that throws her over the edge.”

“I promise sir.”

“Good. And if you hurt her…”

I zoned out and didn’t hear the rest of the conversation.

The slam of the front door snapped me out of my daze.

I turned around to find myself looking into a pair of warm brown eyes.

Wesley didn’t say anything.

I didn’t blame him.

Today had been so unexpected.

His strong hands placed themselves on my waist and pulled me in close.

His embrace was warm and strong.

“Can you tell me about Matty?” he asked cautiously.

I know I wanted to play him but a part of me urged myself to tell him.

Eventually I nodded and Wes pulled me by the hips to sofa and on top of him.

His body was warm and his grip way tight.

“So…” he began.

I took a deep breath in.

“Matty is my brother.” I stated coolly. “He’s two years older than me. A year ago, he left us to join the marines. About five months ago he got deployed to Afghanistan. It’s hard…”

I couldn’t finish the sentence before choking up.

“It’s ok, Scout. I get it.” Wes smiled reassuringly.

I already regretted being so open to him about everything.

So now it was time for the games to truly begin.

I snaked my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

After a while I move my head so my lips were trailing against his neck.

Wes let out a little sigh.

I smiled happily as I knew he was enjoying it.

One point to me.

Suddenly, Wes gripped my waist and positioned me so I was straddling his waist.

A cheeky grin washed across his tanned face.

One all.

Slowly he pulled me in a little closer and began planted kisses down my neck.

When he reached a certain point, I knew exactly what came next.

Carefully he bit down on my skin and nibbled away teasingly.

I fought hard not to let him know I was enjoying it.

I had to be in control.

My body peeled itself away from his and I let my hands fall to just above Wes’ waist.

Beat this, player.

I let my fingers fiddle with the bottom of his shirt and then tantalizingly slowly I pulled the fabric upwards.

I threw the top on the floor and let my eyes scan his bare chest.

His muscles were way nicer than I imagined.

But I wasn’t going to let that distract me.

I grabbed his snapback off his head on transferred it to my own, only I put it on backwards.

I took a deep breath in and leaned into him.

My lips met his neck and slowly but surely trailed downwards onto his chest.

His skin was warm against my lips and made them tingle.

Everything about this felt right but I knew that’s exactly how he wanted me to feel.

Wes took a sharp breath in as I lowered my mouth gradually.

My lips were just above the waist line of his pants and he let out a little groan.

That’s your cue.

I pulled away and got off of him.

I stood up and picked up his shirt.

“Here you are.” I smirked and walked off.

Player two wins the match.

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