Chapter Twenty: I promised

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My mind was frantic as I ran around all the places I knew she would be.

She was not at home.

She was not at the beach.

She was not at Maddy’s.

She was most defiantly not at mine.

She was not at her dad’s.

“She just needs some time to herself.” Drew assured me.

I banged my fist against the metal of the car door angrily.

Today just proved how little I knew about Scout.

But the saddest thing was, I wanted to know more and now she would probably never speak to me again and I’d never know why.

I slid in the seat of the car and Drew drove us home.

Keaton was already in bed watching tv and Brooke was out.

Mom was fast asleep and Drew passed out on the couch.

Without Scout next to me, my bed felt bigger and emptier.

I couldn’t stop myself from taking my phone and dialing Scout’s number.

Except I knew the only voice I’d be hearing from on the other end was automated.

“I’m sorry but this number cannot take your call right now. Please leave a message after the tone.”


“Hey, Scout. I’m sorry for what I did today. I’d love to be able to tell you that I’ll change whatever I did that was wrong. But I don’t know and if you never talk to me again, I never will know. I just erm… wanted to say that I miss you and yeah- please talk to me. Erm ok bye.”

I felt the tightness in my chest ease a little.

At least she would know I was looking for her.

And maybe, just maybe she’ll respond.


There are almost too many reasons why Sundays suck.

I would list them all but I just don’t have the time.

Drew took Keaton out for the day and left me in bed.

Mom and Brooke could tell I didn’t want to leave my room so left me alone.

At some point one of them came in and gave me a hug, saying they were going out for the day too.

I still had no reply from Scout and it weighed heavy on my mind.

A little later I got up to go to the toilet.

The light in the rest of the house hurt my tired eyes.

Nothing ever felt good when you can’t sleep.

I sloped back into bed and lay face down for a few minutes.

I literally have no idea when I became so attached to her.

It’s not like she openly invited me to.

If anything she did the complete opposite.

A loud and frenzied knock on the door forced me to pluck up the will to descend the stairs to my impending doom.

I mustered as much energy as I could manage without completely collapsing.

I pulled the front door open and welcomed the unfamiliar smell of fresh air fill my nostrils.

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