Chapter 7: Ideas and a New Friend

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Note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story yet but I've been having trouble with things and it's a lot but please enjoy ^-^


Is this a joke? It can't be! He saved me from finding a new home. He doesn't like the way Billy spoke to me, so that must mean he lives where I live.

Rarely anyone from this school knows where I live except for Soul and Blair, since she's always with Soul at his place.

But Soul can't be my secret admirer, he still treats me like crap! Maybe someone else knows where I live besides those two.

The bell rang and I quickly placed the note in my binder, on top of the first I still had.

Students came in and I examined each of them like I always do everyday.

The popular gang came in and they were the loud bunch. I saw some girls in Soul's arms, Black Star was yelling, Liz was looking sadly at Kid who was talking to another girl, Patty was still playing with her stuffed giraffe, and Tsubaki was just watching it all.

They all sat at their desks but they weren't quiet still. They are always constantly loud! That is, until Dr. Stein comes in.

Time Skip After School ~

I went into the library to read my books. I never got to read them over the weekend because of the damn rent and stuff.

"Hello Maka," a sweet voice hummed.

I looked up and see Tsubaki. She was smiling sweetly and she didn't look scared or anything!

But I got mad at her the last time, so what is she doing here?

"Hi," I awkwardly greet.

She giggles and sits in the seat in front of me.

"I'm wondering some things," she smiled.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I want to help you with the prom!" She lifts her hands into the air.

Oh gosh! I forgot the prom again! I didn't even start on it!

"Oh no," I stand up from my seat. "I haven't done anything yet!"

"Oh really?" Tsubaki asks, completely surprised.

I ran into a section and started digging around for some designs but decided to go online.

Tsubaki watched as I looked for prom decorations.

"Why don't we do a masquerade?" Tsubaki injects.

That sounds like a good idea! That idea is so perfect! I love it!

"I love it!" I shout happily.

Tsubaki giggles and nods her head in agreement.

Tsubaki really is great. She's nice and has great ideas. I wish only she wasn't friends with the popular people.

"So," Tsubaki bits her bottom lip. "Can I help?"

I stare at her for a few seconds. Of course she can help!

"Of course you can help!" I jumped up and hug her.

She's so tall and pretty that I can't help but hug her. I wish only I had a body like her.

After some time in the library we got everything done. Well, partly everything.

We got the flyers and we decided on tickets to get in. We were going to work on the decorations after school tomorrow.

"Bye Tsubaki!" I waved.

"Bye Maka!" Tsubaki smiles.

We went our different ways. I was glad she gave that idea. I'm so glad she reminded me of it!

Wait. Why did she want to suddenly help out? I didn't know.

"Hey bookworm," I could hear the smirk. "Where've you been? You've been out longer than usual."

I groaned and turn toward Soul who was smirking at me.

"What do you want now?" I growl.

Soul chuckles, shakes his head and goes into his apartment.

I walk into my own and fall into the couch. I don't want to fall asleep in my school clothes and on the couch so I went into my room to change.

After I got changed, I fell on my bed and instantly fell asleep.

My hero, still in my dreams, was waiting for me.

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