Chapter 48: Will she?

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Soul's POV

Maka has been in a coma for quite some time and it's starting to make me worry about her. She lost a large amount of blood at Crona's house.

After Maka closed her eyes, the police came and started to ask questions. Crona escaped and there was no word of him yet.

The police took Maka from my arms and took her to the hospital. I was screaming and yelling at them to give her back so I can hold her but they didn't. But they did let me go with them so I can be with Maka a little longer.

Once we got to the hospital, the nurses took Maka and I didn't fight them this time. I knew they were going to try and make her live so I kind of relaxed. Kind of.

I was still worrying about her when they didn't say anything for hours. When they finally did, I was the first to find her. They said she was in a coma and that they didn't know how long she'll be like this.

They had fixed up her wound and put wires into her. There was so much I thought that they were trying to kill her. It worries me but this is a hospital so it was okay.

She didn't move ever since and it's been a few hours now. I'm getting really worried that she won't wake up. She has to wake up, I want her to wake up.

I want to see her beautiful green eyes and that cute smile that she has. I want to hear her amazing laugh. I want to hug her and hold her and she can hold me too. I don't want her to die.

Please Maka, you have to survive this. For me. I know I have done wrong to her but she needs to survive this.

"Maka." I whisper. "I know you can't hear me, but I need to talk to you. I know you won't reply back to me but it needs to come out."

I lifted my head and looked at her. I looked at her beautiful pale skin, and even through she's in a hospital gown, she still looks absolutely amazing.

"I love you Maka." I spoke a little louder this time. "You have to understand that I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. But these girls keep trying to get with me for I don't know what. Sure the first time you caught me with a girl but that was a dare. I shouldn't have taken that, I know, but BlackStar made me. I really didn't want to. I felt disgusted with myself when I did that. When I saw how you looked so broken, I knew I had fucked up badly. I hate myself so much for actually bullying you and having my friends go in on it. That probably made your life a living hell. You probably didn't want to come back knowing we were right there waiting for you so we can hurt you more. Maybe you hated your life. I'm sure you did even when you had such an evil dad. But I had to do something Maka. After all the bullying and that stuff, I couldn't help but notice you were so unbelievably beautiful. I know it was a horrible way to see it but I saw it and I wanted to make sure you were okay at the end of the day. I needed to know that you were well taken care of and if you weren't, I was going to be there to take good care of you. Dammit Maka, I need you to wake up and smile at me. I need you to tell me you will be okay and that you will stand by my side. I love you Maka!"

I couldn't help it. I began to cry my eyes out just wanting Maka to wake up. I know it's too early but I really want her to wake up so I can see those amazing green eyes and beautiful smile.

After a few minutes, I heard the door being opened. I turned my head and saw that it was the gang. The girls came in with flowers and the guys, well the guys came in with expressions I can't decipher.

"Hey." I smiled sadly.

"Hey Soul." Tsubaki answered.

"How is she?" Liz asked.

I turned my head back to Maka and I tried my best not to cry all over again. She has to wake up for us. She needs to.

We all talked for a bit and once they left, I was all alone with my thoughts again. I'm all alone with Maka in a coma, never knowing when she will wake up.

But she's gone through hell. I won't blame her if she wants to leave. But she needs to come back to us. We love her and we her to be here with us.

Then again, a lot of people still treat her like shit. I came back and I was welcomed with arms wide open from everyone. Will people welcome her like that if she woke up now?

Will she ever come back and live again?

A/N: Oh gosh I'm so sorry! No internet and I'm so bust with school that I can't seem to concentrate right. I hope you lovely readers can understand what I'm going through...

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