Chapter 4: First Change

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The sound of banging rang through my ears. I flew up from my sleeping position, obviously scared of the sudden sound, and I looked around my room.

I remembered the night before that I was too tired I didn't want to read, and I didn't want to walk all the way to my room. I fell asleep on the couch with no blanket, and my neck was hurting like crazy.

Maybe it's because I didn't sleep with a pillow. My neck was hurting so much I couldn't really move my head back and forth as much.

The banging continued and it was louder. I jumped off the couch, ignoring my sore neck, and ran over to the door.

I swung open the door to see my landlord glaring at me with his green eyes. His face was red and it looked like he had steam coming out of his nose and ears.

"Where's your rent Maka?" He seethed.

I gasped. I completely forgot about my rent. I couldn't pay him for it on the due date so I had to tell him I'd give him the money today.

"I'm so sorry Billy! I lost my job and I can't pay you until next week," I held up my hands.

"You either give me the money by the end of the day or you move out!" He stomped off.

I tried to yell out to him that I couldn't but he disappeared around the corner. I sighed angrily and leaned against the door frame, closing my eyes.

"Poor bookworm," I could hear the smirk on his face.

I opened my eyes and glared at Soul. He was smirking at me like he knew this was going to happen.

"Oh shut up," I walked into my apartment and slammed the door.

Soul tried to apologize but I ignored him, trying to pack up my things. I can't get that money by the end of the day so I might as well pack up.

"Why is this happening to me?" I wanted to cry.

First I lost my part time job at the nearby café shop all because my stupid papa left my boss for some other girl.

Secondly I can't find another job because my papa went out with all the ladies and he cheated on them.

Thirdly I'm going to lose my apartment because I couldn't pay my rent on time.

Luckily it's the weekend so I could try and find another place to stay at. If not, I will have to stay with my papa which I don't not want to do.

I walked out of my apartment, already done packing my things. I stopped and turned around going back into my apartment.

"I completely forgot to change," I sighed.

Yesterday I just fell asleep without changing and right now it feels really odd walking around in clothes I was in yesterday.

I walk into my room and change. My wardrobe for today contained a plain tight fitting black shirt that showed my flat stomach, navy blue tights and my normal combat boots. I retied my hair back in its normal pigtails and put on some of my bracelets.

This time I got my keys, walked out of my apartment, locking it, and started down the hallway for my hunt. I walk down the stairs and out of the door.

The hours passed and I still haven't found another place to stay.

I want to cry.

I walk back into my apartment and see Billy. He was walking toward me and he kind of looked mad.

"Look Billy I'm going up to my apartment and I'm going to get my things," I explain to him.

"You got lucky Maka," he growled, "someone paid your rent for you."

I blinked my eyes and stared at him obviously surprised.

Who could've paid my rent for me? Everyone hates me so who could've done that for me? For me, Maka Albarn?

Billy walked away angrily while I just stared at the wall. I walked into my apartment and looked at my boxes that were filled with my personal things.

"Hey bookworm, heard you were staying," Soul smirked.

"Yeah, I don't know who paid for my rent though," I started to wonder aloud.

"Maybe another bookworm," Soul laughed.

My eyes narrowed and I turned toward him. I noticed I forgot to close my door once I got in and that he invited himself in.

"What do you want?" I seethed.

Soul smirked and walked closer to me, "I thought you were going to leave me."

"I should leave," I grinned my teeth together. "Forget that person ever paid for my rent."

"Maybe you should,"

"Then I will!"

"Go a head,"

Soul and I stared at each other for a few seconds. I was glaring at him while he had that stupid grin on his face.

"Get out of my apartment," I sneered.

Soul laughed, "I knew you wouldn't leave!"

I pushed him out the door and slammed it closed, locking it in the process. A sigh came out of my mouth and I walked over to my couch.

At least I'm still going to live here a little longer. But who could've paid my rent? I felt tired, so I fell asleep on the couch again, dreaming of my hero.

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