Chapter 32: Your Voice

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Soul's POV ~

The darkness kept holding me back from the light. Once the light tried to show on my skin, the darkness pulled me in deeper.

I felt like I was getting ripped apart. It was getting pushed against me which felt like it was digging into me.

The darkness has its way to hurt me in many ways. It feels like its chewing up my organs to shreds.

"Where am I?" I looked around. "Why is it so dark everywhere?"

This endless blackness is irritating my eyes. I can't deal with all this darkness without seeing my Maka's face.

She's the only one who could bring the light to this world. I just really need to see her right now.

I need to see that I didn't lose her. To know that she's still with me both physically and mentally.

All of this madness is destroying me from inside. Literally. I know this is all inside me because I dealt with it for so long.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked the dark. "What do you want from me you asshole?"

"I want you to give in the madness."

"You should know that I will never give in!" I shouted. "Why would I want you to to take over my body?"

"What's the use of living?"

"Maka is here for me! I know that she's always going to be by my side!"

"Oh Soul, you should know that she's going to see the real you and decide that she doesn't need someone who's full of insanity by her for the rest of her life."

"Shut up!"

"Face the truth Soul. I'm right."

"No you aren't!"

"Oh Soul."

I gasped. That's Maka's voice. She's alive? Where is she? I turn my head and see a small light ahead of me.

"Why did you come for me? Why did you have to get injured for me?" She questioned.

"Because I really do love you Maka!" I shout.

The light gets a little brighter and bigger. It's Maka's voice that makes the light the way it is. I should follow it, maybe it'll lead me out of here.

"Why me Soul? Why did you pick me when you had so many other girls after you. Girls who are prettier and funny. I'm sorry Soul. I never wanted to see you hurt." She sobs.

The light is a lot bigger now. I go to it slowly, being cautious that its a joke from the little demon in my head.

Once I get really close to it, the light wraps its arms around me and I can feel the darkness let go of me.

"What is this place?" I try to look around.

I want to open my eyes but I can't. Not when it's so bright and this light can kill me if I open my eyes for a few seconds.

"Please wake up Soul. You have to wake up. You need to see the sun. I need to see your eyes." I hear Maka.

That sounds pretty cheesy to say but I love it when she sounds like that. I open my eyes, not afraid anymore of the light, to look around for her.

"I hate to admit this but I miss your grin. I miss everything about and I hope you wake up soon." Shecontinues to cry.

Oh Maka. I want to wake up so badly. I want to see you laugh and smile once more but I can't because I'm stuck here.

I look around at my surroundings and find that the whole place is just a plain, bright white. But it doesn't hurt like it did before.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

I jump and turn around to see a lady in a -freaking white- dress walking toward me with a serious face.

"Uh, can I ask where I'm at?" I awkwardly ask her.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She repeats herself.

"I'm Soul Evans." I inhale slowly. "and I'm wondering why I'm here too."

The lady looks at me closely, examining me. I feel weird under her serious green eyes.

"Why do you love Maka?" She suddenly asks.

"How did you know I loved her?" I ask.

She looks at me with her serious eyes and I feel myself get scared. I want to curl up under her eyes and stay hidden.

"I love her because she's smart and beautiful," I begin to explain. "She makes my day light up with joy every time I see her laugh or smile."

"If you love her so much, why did you cheat on her?"

"I didn't mean to do that. It was a dare."

"Why did you take it?"

"I don't know. I was an idiot to take it but I'm just glad that Maka is safe from that guy."

"Cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice."

"I know that!" I shouted. "I know it's a choice and I chose to take the dare instead of turning away from it!"

"If you really love her, you wouldn't hurt her a second time."

"What do you mean?"

All of a sudden there was a big rush of wind that ran through me. I got the chills and leaned over from it.

I looked around and saw that I was bring lifted into the air. What was going on now? I turned toward the lady and waving at me with a smile on her face. It resembled Maka's smile.

"This is a lot of work but I can manage."

I wake up to the sound of Maka's voice. I open my eyes and see her smiling to herself with a pile of papers on her lap.

"You never seem to stop working huh bookworm." I laugh.

"Oh shut up Soul." She growls. "and I thought I told you not to call me bookworm!"

I laugh as she's so clueless to me being awake. She just made my day so much better.

She finally realizes and turns toward me cautiously. She sees my smiling at her and I can notice some tears coming into her eyes.

"Soul!" She jumps right onto me for a hug.

The pain I didn't know I had, started up and it shot right through my body. I yelp and wanted to hold her but the pain just hurts so bad.

"Maka you're hurting me!" I shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She gets off and bits her bottom lip.

"It's okay." I chuckles and made her look at me. "You're the first person I see and I can't be more happy."

She smiles at me and I pull her back toward me for another hug. But this time, it's not hurting as much.


A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated this ;-; I'm babysitting and my sister has no internet D: but I promise I shall update as much as possible :D thank you for reading my lovely readers <3

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