Chapter 4

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"Kacchan?" asked the redhead with spikey teeth sitting next to Bakugo.

Oh shit. I forgot. His real name is Bakugo Katsuki and I called him Kacchan. Who's to know that's only what his close friends call him? Real idiot Y/N.

Bakugo was furious beside him with a tick mark forming upon his forehead. If we weren't in school, I believe he'd turn me to ashes already.

"Oh yeah that's also what that green-haired dude calls Bakugo. Right, Kacchan?" the blonde-haired kid with a dark lightning bolt strand said whilst teasing Bakugo.

"SHUT IT STUPID FACE!", Bakugo shouted making me flinch a little. After he fumed towards his friends (?), I think. He turned to me and gazed intently. But there's something off about his look. It's like he's not all mad. It's as if he was.... testing me.

"Get lost.", he declared not breaking off eye contact. His crimson orbs not trilling even for a bit.

I was scared. So scared, I was about to puke on the spot. The whispers around the cafeteria only made it worse.

"Oh my gosh, can't she get a clue?"
"Why is she so desperate? Hahaha"
"They're too loud. Cocky 1-A"

I can see Izuku with Uraraka and Iida on the side looking at me with worry. Izuku was about to skid towards me and offer me a sit next to them.

My heart sank. Should I give up? But.... if I quit now. Then I'm only making a bigger fool of myself. And that's not what I want...

That's not what heroes do.

I closed my eyes, huffing, mustering all of my might... and smiled. I made up my mind.

"No.", I said firmly as I opened my eyes. I grabbed a seat and placed it beside their table.

As I sat down, I can see Bakugo's friends gaping as though they can't believe what just happened.

"Wow! You go girl. Hahaha. I thought you were just this silent girl but I guess I was wrong. You have guts!" a pink-haired girl exclaimed at me from across the table. Her remark broke the tension off the table and suddenly people around the cafeteria were back to their own businesses.

"Yeah! Hahaha that was quite the show there. I thought you were going to just up and leave.", a raven haired boy with robotic elbows also commented.

"If she was just going to give up like that, then she wouldn't suggest sitting with us in the first place. Right, Y/N-chan?", the blonde-haired kid countered nudging me a bit.

I gently nodded still trembling from the incident but feeling slightly relieved since I think they're actually nice people.

I think I made the right choice.

"I'm Kirishima Eijiro. You were manly out there!", the redhead complimented me offering his hand. Manly? B-but I'm...

"Kaminari Denki, at your service m'lady. Don't mind that Kirishima, he's a tad bit stupid." the blonde-haired dude explained whilst blocking the playful punches Kirishima suddenly gave him.

"I'm Ashido Mina. Nice to meet you." the pink-haired girl said sweetly while grinning from ear-to-ear. She looks really cute.

"Sero Hanta-desu. I hope we'll get along well, L/N-san!" the raven-haired guy told me cheerfully.

I smiled at them. Their warm welcome almost calmed my quavering heart. I was on the verge of tears a while ago and seeing that they actually cared about my state really eased the tension. Well... most of them.

Bakugo was still glaring at me. It's not the usual murderous look he gives when he's fired up but it's like he was deciphering what my actions meant.

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