Chapter 36: Saviours

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Beth's POV

“Wolves are here.” The poker giant man in front of me roared. “Run pregnant lady. Run. As far as possible. They are animals and you are nothing.”

He took out his Glock and unlocked it. Giving me one last look, he walked inside the forest without a second thought. It was as if he knew what he was doing.

I don't know if he would be back or not but one thing was sure, I could use this opportunity to run. Trying my luck, I struggled to run.

Run. For your baby.

I chanted this mantra and tried to run. I wasn't aware if boats were available or not, or if I have to swim. All I knew was I could try.

“We are under attack,” The maid, Eli yelled at me from far. “I told you he is here.”

He is here.


No, it's impossible. August made sure that Mark couldn't find us. I hope, this Eli is not giving me false hope. And, if it true. If someone is here for me then, it's a dilemma. If I run away then it could be a problem. I am almost about to deliver. Since I lost the count, I don't know how far my pregnancy is.

Stupid me.

I have to decide now. Either I could escape or test if they all are my so-called Saviour.



They are approaching. I can't run into Forest. So taking my final decision, I walked to Eli.

This Eli girl was injured and stood to a place which was higher so it was easy to witness almost everything from our place.

The whole mansion looked a wreck. Almost burned. Windows were shattered and I could see curtains were already turned into ashes.

Looking at the sky, I saw helicopters. Lots of helicopters. Black coloured, loaded with men. All men in black.

Mark is here.

He found me.

All the men in black were fighting against those mafia guards who helped August and Vincent.

Finally, I could go home to my family. I could see my kids.

I cried with my joy and was about to run towards men in black but then Eli stopped me.

“The younger one is looking for you.” She said pointing at August who was looking everywhere. Anyone could tell that he is looking for something or someone...

He is looking for me.

“We can reach to the port... Through forest.” Eli said and started to rush into the forest.

Wolves are there.

I followed her and blocked her path. She frowned and helped me to stand properly. My swollen feet and pregnant belly made every task difficult.

“There... Are wolves.” I panted.

“There are no wolves.” She said.

“I heard their howling.”

“This is impossible. There are no animals on the island except... Humans.”

Humans; her words gave the vibe that she meant we humans are animals. We are dangerous as well as selfish. We are harmful to each other as well as other animals.

Oww... OOo

Oh, no. They are close.

“Did you hear this?” I whispered. I couldn't talk. My throat was dried with fear.

“I see, you are here,” August smirked and pointed his gun at Eli. “I warned you girl. Do. Not. Help. Her.”

“Please...” Eli cried. “She looked pale.”

“Let her go,” I said. “I'll come with you.”

“I know you will come with me.” He said with confidence. “But I will have to finish her.”

“It is a dog.” Eli suddenly exclaimed.

We frowned. Few seconds back, she was crying and now she looks excited. So I followed her sight.

I found a white dog growling at August and Eli. August was about to shoot but the white dog run and attacked August. Soon, a golden fur dog attacked him.

The collar of golden dog belong to Tinker.

“Tinker,” I called.

The golden stopped and wailed her tail. It's my Tinker. She's so grown up. Healthy. Her eyes were shining with recognition. She knows me. She remembers me.

“I'll kill these bitch.” August groaned with anger.

It was Us Vs August. Eli run and pushed August causing him to punch her. She cried in pain and cowered away. As a result, Tinker along with Snow surrounded him, giving us time to run.

I felt sad leaving my precious dog behind, but they are doing what they are taught. I won't abandon them. My Eli loves Snow. They will come with me.

“This can be their last day....” August warned me. “You love them... Think about it. This is how you pay them in exchange for their loyalty.”

“I will come with you only when you promise me that you and your father will never bother my family.” I tried to buy a few more seconds. I was hoping that someone would come to us since Tinker and Snow are here.

“My father will be dead.” August laughed like a manic. He looks pleased with his father's death. “I don't want anything with Mark's family. I want you... We will have our family.”

Giving me his hand, he patiently waited for me to react with his gun on the other hand ready to shoot the 17 years old Eli. Since I lost all the reason to stop him, I held his hand with my trembling hand.

He slapped me. His hit was so impactful that I lost my balance and fell.

I overlook the sensation of his hit when my body touched the ground. A wave of shock run through my body then I felt the water from my womb...

My baby.

“Good, we don't need this bastard.” August was about to hit my stomach I snatched the gun and shot him.

My 1st shot was instinct. It was in rage. But it was something right. I should have at least tried to kill him but no, like an optimistic person I was waiting for an opportunity. Whereas in reality, we have to create an opportunity.

I shot him again. Again. Again. Again.

He knelt and smiled while resting on the ground.

“I loved you... Ginger.” He said his last words.

“He loved you?” Eli asked.

Before I could reply to her, I felt intense pain In my lower body.


“What happened?” A new feminine voice asked. I could hear her running to me. “Her water broke.”

“Save my baby,” I begged the voice.

“We have to deliver the baby here.”

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