Chapter 28: Schmidt Men

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Beth's POV

Savannah is coming here.


Is there is someone else supporting Vincent?

I hate this human trafficking thing. It is ready to destroy my kid's life.

"Stop, circling the room." August rolled his eyes. "Bring your ass here." He ordered.

Ignoring him, I continued to circle the bedroom. This disgusting man dares to order me. Little did he knew, that soon he will be buried 6 feet down.

"Do you want to get punished?" He roared.

I almost felt my heart stop. He has Schmidt genes. He can brutal, if wants.

"Now that I know your secret... Will you answer me a few questions?" I tested the water.

"You are already asking a question." He said while pulling his pants.

Sometimes, I don't understand why I am not habitual of getting rape? I mean, from the past 6 years, it often happens to me. I should be used to it by now.

"You were amazing." He tried to kiss me but I leaned my head away from him.

"He will kill you," I warned him, hoping that he will understand the wrath of Mark. When he didn't leave me after Savanna's injury, Why would he leave August?

August has invited his death.

"We trained for years together. So... I am not afraid of him." He shrugged off and kissed me forcefully.

I struggled for air and pushed him, but he pulled me closer, deepening his suffocating kiss. His taste is nauseating.

"You need to learn to kiss me back." He growled breaking his kiss, while I continued to cry.

Leaving me to cry over me, he walked around the room. I didn't dare to look at him. His behaviour is making me hate him more. He claimed a few nights back that when Mark touched me despite warning was his last stroke.

We just had sex as husband and wife. We have over each other's body. We don't need anyone else to govern our sexual activity.

I sat there for a good hour. I felt maids rushing around the room with food, fruits, water. But I couldn't eat. My body refuses to swallow anything in Mark's absence.

"Girl... You are harming that Schmidt boy inside you." Vincent sat in front of me. "Get up. You are a Schmidt."

"Aren't you too nice to me?" I mocked him. "I hate your ideology. About you fucking pure bloodline."

"Feisty." He chuckled. "It's the Schmidt boy inside you."

"How do you know it's a boy?"

"I am his grandfather." He said as if it was obvious. "I don't hate Mark or Savvy, but she's the only Schmidt fertile female."

"She's a kid."

"You were just 18 when you had your first child." He snapped. "Girl, I would love to see this Schmidt boy. But don't test me."

"I will give you as many as kids you want. Just let her go." I begged.

"You don't have Schmidt blood inside you." He said. "No one will touch her. That's a promise. All she has to do is to give her a few eggs..... um mm ova we call them."

"How are you able to afford this? You have nothing. No money."

"Mafia is deeper than you imagine. Wait..... You thought Mafia is stories." He laughed. "Mark is the heir. His child will the next. This boy inside you. People will try to kill him, this boy inside you. Be careful."

"You should have killed Marcus then." I hissed. It may sound inhumane but if Marcus had died then there wouldn't be any of this problem. Maybe this could have been Vincent's solution.

"We tried. But then, it wasn't the solution. If he died then the key to Cora's stability would have been destroyed... We even tried to kill him and Mark on multiple occasions, but they have survival capacity. Every Schmidt has."

"Why don't you apologize to August and fix matters with him?" I suggested.

"It's too late. It is enough that he is ready to see me..... I regret not being about him earlier. I was 15 or 16 when I had him... His mother never informed me."

"He must have lived a life like you."

"At least, he didn't lose his mind like me." Vincent deadpan voice was thinking about something. I assume he was thinking of his past. Sometimes, I feel sympathetic towards him. He could have travelled far and settle with Cora instead of staying here.

"You could have started fresh... Somewhere far with her." I said.

"Yes... But u wanted people to respect her. Later I killed all those who raped her." He laughed. "How's the Schmidt boys treating you?" He pointed at my stomach.

"How you know it's a boy?" I asked again.

"Being his so-called grandfather, I am sure it's a little Caleb."

His words widen my eyes with surprise. He knew about my parents. August must have told him. People are aware of me more than me. They knew about my life.

We sat for unknown hours. He has a decent aura around him even though he is a disgusting person.

He doesn't even look like Marcus or any of the Schmidt man. Even in the family photo, he was standing at the corner of the photo whereas Amaya was hanging on the other side of Mark and Savannah was the another side.

Amaya and Savannah look so much like each other. They were aunt-niece pair.

"He never wanted to force you." Vincent finally broke our silence, but I couldn't understand whom he was referring to. Many forced me and I am sure all enjoyed their so-called sex.

Ignoring him, I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. I hope, the next morning everything will be over and I'll be home with my family.

He laughed at my gesture.

"I am talking about August. Even, I loved Mark. And he is were wounded. He acted good. You were attracted to him because of his power. August will give you everything. Trust me." His voice was laced with emotions. Maybe, he is pleading but not as strong as any person who has grief.

"I love Mark with his every flaw.....we both know, he doesn't look as good as you. August has better looks. But Mark is a better, father, husband." I said.

"That quality is own by every Schmidt man..."

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