Chapter 38: Sceret Keeper

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Mark's POV

“You can leave.” I gave Vincent a last chance, but he smirked nodding his head and took his position to fight again, against me.

He knows he can not win against me, but he is too stubborn to give up. He will fight until his last breath, doesn't matter if he wins or not after his death.

“I have nowhere to go,” Vincent screamed with and run to attack me.

All I did was to move aside resulting him to fell on the ground. He is losing his energy and soon, he would be dead. As I have no other option but to kill him otherwise he would come back for his vengeance.

I remember when I met him the first time, 10 years ago. During the job hours, I became habitual of couples and PDA but Cora caught my attention.

Cora was Mrs Schmidt that time. I saw her in tabloids while working for Leonard Rossi.

Her face got pale, and she stops her act of infidelity with Vincent.

They both stopped and somehow, I knew that they know me. For a few months, I never saw Marcus Schmidt but one morning, I got a call where I was supposed to meet Marcus Schmidt. I went to meet him where I saw my older myself chatting with my 19-year-old, half-sister, Amaya.

With Amaya's sweet smile, I was offered brunch, lunch, Even I had dinner with them. Savannah loved Amaya. They both got along. I was hurt that he never tried to find me but I didn't show him and tried my best to be the part of the Schmidt family, started my security firm, even attend my sister's wedding until Andrew kill her husband.

I was equally responsible for the death of Caleb Bell and Allison Bell and I knew, Cora and Vincent are fucked up. Promoting incest. They loved each other just I don't appreciate this KIND of love.

Taking my decision, I pull out my gun to finish Vincent. He suffered a lot if we look at the other side of the coin. He could have started a new life with Cora far from Mafia, but they both chose for revenge which ultimately, destroyed their whole life. Even after their death, no one will ever miss them.

“Shoot me, bastard.” Vincent screeched. “Otherwise I'll take your little boy with me, and he will be back to kill you. And your family.”

Without a second thought, I pulled the trigger. He laughed as the bullet hit his old body. And I shot him again.

My shot didn't make any sound due to silencer but after my third shot we heard, 4 continuous shot.

It was my first mission without Victor. I was already paranoid and Rossi family didn't bother to join us. So basically, I was terrified.


Glancing for the last time, at the dead body of Vincent, I run into the dense forest, only to get lost. Few members of my team followed me and others stayed to clean the mess. We split up to search my Elizabeth and walked for hours until I realized that my whistle could work. Maybe, Tinker and Snow would listen to me.

I whistled and my voice echoed. But no signs of my highly dangerous trained dogs.

I whistled again.


I heard my dogs barking and followed the direction of the voice. They were wailing their tails, as they saw me and I see their snout was covered with blood. My dogs made me proud. They must have killed many people or at least, injured them.

They started to walk somewhere. I followed them and informed the other members through the microphone about my location for back up.

I was almost ready to attack when I heard, wailing.

Dropping my every guard, I jogged to the voice. As soon as I reached the spot, I saw Sarai cleaning Beth who was holding a baby from afar.

“Who are you?” A girl hit me but Instead her attack butt herself. She fell. Rubbing her buttocks, she cried. She's a teenager. “Don't hurt us.”

“Girl, that's my wife and my child,” I said with a straight face. I was not in the mood if entertainment. It's been months that I saw my wife and now she's in front of me looking weak with my child. I already missed the first kick, first move, everything.

“The blue-eyed boy has dimples as well,” I heard Sarai.


Blue-eyed boy.

My boy.

Our boy.

My beautiful red-headed wife gave me her boy. Second brother to our daughters. Finally, Abioye has a younger brother.

“But he would be more like Max,” Elizabeth said. “He's a perfect mix of Rogers, Schmidt and Bell ... Vincent was right.”

Before I could go to him, I could see Snow get alert in front of me. This indicates the presence of an intruder. This is dangerous as I entered the forest, alone and was chased by some other members. We split up to find my Elizabeth.

“Boy ...” I called Snow and leave Tinker to go to her loving mother. Yes, I believe, that bitch loves Elizabeth with her mother.

I walked into the woods with loaded guns, leaving Elizabeth with Sarai and the girl. Rossi was missing.

This is just a gesture of defence. My wife was already enough. She was never entitled to it. If someone is dangerous here, then, they must die. Today.

“Your dogs are very efficient.” Gage Maxwell followed me.

So, he is the one following us.

I know, his intention. He knows, I am a secret keeper. But I do not interfere in the life of another. They can do whatever they want. This is their right. I am no one to interfere.

This was the first time I used the mystery of another. I blackmailed Gage. But I had to. He was supporting Vincent and August. Now, both are dead and he wants revenge.

“There was nothing personal between us.”, I assured him. I wasn't afraid any more. It seems that he is unable to kill me. No one has been successful so far. Many tried but were failed to kill me.

“For me, it was personal.” Gage panicked.

“You chose to be a part of my issues.” I snapped.

“Because you chose to support that bastard.” He fired.

“Yes, bastard who is your son.” I laughed. He called his son a bastard. “Don't worry about him, he will easily ruin your empire.”

“I've worked hard for this,” he begged.

“No, you killed many people.” Without wasting time, I fired at his point blanc and Snow walked over to someone who was standing on my back.

“You know, I always hated him.” I heard his wife. She was caressing Snow. Another manipulation bitch who always uses others for her benefit. And I knew what she would do.

She shot me. Three times in a row, without giving me any time to react.

Laying in the middle of the forest, I knew this could be the end of me. no one will never find me in this dense forest.

I did not get a chance to see my son, my wife.

With this regret, I closed my eyes to meet my ultimate serenity. Because I know, no matter what, Rossi will always be there for my Elizabeth and our children.

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