Chapter 19: Home sweet Home

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Beth's POV

I know, 5 in the morning in the empty park without anyone guarding me, is not a good idea but I couldn't sleep.

Last night, Mark broke down. He cried and refused to share his emotions with me. I wanted to help him, but he just shut his emotions.

I sneaked out while everyone was sleeping and I have this feeling that someone is following me. But I am not far from Schmidt tower. I believe I can reach to my family, if anything happens wrong.

Increasing my pace, I walked as fast as possible. But I halted when a car stopped in front of me.

I am dead.

I don't have anything to protect me neither no one is here to help me.

Rolling the glass of the window, it revealed to be August. This man is weird. He never takes rest. Most trustworthy, according to Mark. He has been with Mark and Victor during the time of their struggle. He never asked any share. Just home, food including necessities and a few hours sleep, that's it. But Mark does provide his salary, despite his denial.

“Mrs Rogers, I knew you would be alone.” His voice was deadpan.

What is it his behaviour is sometimes the same as Mark???

Maybe they spend many years together, that's why. I hate when I can't read anyone's emotions.

“You were following me.” I scold him. Why can't I have even a nano moment with myself?

“That's what I am paid for... Not to leave you alone.” He got out of the car and opened the door for me.

Huffing, I sat and refused to acknowledge his presence. I crossed my arms and looked out of the window. Meanwhile, I heard him gasping.

I frowned. Mark usually gasp when he wants me. Did just August gasp?

I looked at him with curiosity, then again he gasped. He looked exhausted.

“Are you OK?” I finally asked. Why do I feel something is going to happen?

Even though, that whistleblower warned Mark not to touch me. Mark touched me. Even we were about to have sex. I know, Mark will never listen to him. He will respect my decision. We will have sex only when I want. Or if he rapes me again. But that will be the last stroke. I will leave him.

“I had to get up early to chase you, Mrs Rogers.” He explained. “I need proper sleep.”

“I am afraid this is not my option.” He started the car. “Do you want to go home or somewhere else? Like peaceful. I assume you want to spend time with yourself..... You can spend your lonely time but I will keep an eye on you from far. Will that be fine?”

“And where is that place?”

“I'll take that as yes.” He smirked and drove to an abandoned area. Actually, in the Rogers Estate. I never came to this place. It was so peaceful.

Is it the same place where my husband called me Ginger?

Getting out of the car, I took off my shoes and walked on grass. It was a huge garden area with a house. A soothing sight.

“I am here, you can't go out of my sight,” August warned me.

Rolling my eyes, I walked on grasses and explore the house outside. The house was locked. I was astonished to read the name of the owner.

Mark Rogers and Elizabeth Bell-Rogers.

Mark was building a new house for us. But it is almost complete. How long he had planned this?

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