Chapter 37: Maxim

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Beth's POV

“Just take this baby out,” I cried out.

My tears didn't hide their feelings, they continue to flowing shamelessly from my eyes. I was angry as well as scared. What if my baby dies?


“Are you sure you can deliver here?” The new voice asked again.

Closing my eyes, I remembered everything that happened to me. I was innocent all those times, they all framed me. They put their blame over me. I paid just because I knew one person, Kate.

Things would have been different if Antonio would have never come back, or if Kate never met Antonio. Although, the arrival of Mark and August was inevitable. August could have tried wooed me, and I am not sure about Mark. But we can't change anything. What is done. We have to move forward either way.

“We can not go back to the mansion.” Eli panicked. “It's almost a war zone.”

“We brought an air ambulance with us but it's far.” The voice said. “Mrs Rogers... I heard the tales of your bravery. Would you please co-operate with me?”

“Are you a doctor?” Eli interrupted her and I even heard her rushing towards me. She's coming towards me. “After her, please check me?”

“I am a nurse. And yes.....” She chuckled. “I would love to check your nose.”

I didn't dare to open my eyes, it's then again, I felt pain. I co-operated while one of them took off my underwear.

“I need help.” The voice said as if she's calling for someone. “Snow, guide him. He's the nearest option available.” She commanded.

Her command made me realize that she's the part of Rossi or Rogers, because both Tinker and Snow are calm in her presence. I still don't know much about both of them. They both are still strangers. I just know them as the father of my kids.

“Is she...... Valerio?

Valerio is here. He is here with Mark's team. I saw Mark hitting Vincent. It means they are working together.

“We have to deliver the baby here.” The voice interrupted. “We can not wait for the help.”

“But she had one month left,” Valerio said running towards me. “I got you.” He kissed my head.

My pain increase with every move. I moaned in pain when Valerio kept my head on his lap.

“He is eager.” I managed to say. “Save him.”

“Him?” Valerio exclaimed. “Little Mark.” I could hear the disappointment in his voice. He claimed to love me. I can understand, he dreamt of our children running every corner of the house.

“Vincent said he is little Caleb... He will have blue eyes.” I said.

“We have time.” The voice said. “On my count... You can start pushing.”

“Will...will you... Name.him?” I asked Valerio.

He nodded with tears in his eyes. This Is the first time I am seeing him crying. I can tell he is trying to control his emotions.

Looking around, I found the face of the voice. Her brown hairs were completely messed. The shade of brown was so different that it almost appeared red. Her grey eyes had nothing to offer. I couldn't read her. And. Her attire. She wore black. Head to toe. As If she's part of Mark's team.

“You don't look like a nurse.” I tried to glare at her.

“Right now, my job was to save you.” She chuckled. “But I have to save the Caleb.”

“Valerio... Would you name him?” I asked. I was shocked by my words. It came out of my mouth without my permission but I don't regret it. He should name him.

“I would be honoured. But... This is Mark's right. “

“He will leave with his father for the rest of his life.” I held his hand. “Would you be his good father?”

“I promise I will love him like my own.”

Satisfied with his answer, I closed my eyes. I know he wanted more children with me but j don't think after all this I will ever be able to trust anybody completely. I will always be suspicious.

My pain increased. It became unbearable. I find it difficult to breathe. Even inhaling hiked the level If my pain. But it will worthy. I know, I will have a little boy in my arms. He will be loved by all his siblings. They all will pamper him.

I cried in pain and tighten my grip around Valerio's forearm.

“OK... Mrs Rogers. On my count.” I heard.

I pushed. But instead my pain increased and I cried. What if I lose my baby?

He is early.

“Relax... You will have him in your arms soon.” I heard her soothing voice. “Come on, mommy.”

Nodding, I collect all my energy and pushed. But with every push, my anguish increased. I couldn't see anything. I am losing my energy as well as my hope.

“Don't close your eyes. He is crowning. Come on, mommy.” She encouraged.


Yes, he will call me, mommy. I will not give up. I have a lot of kids to look after. I can't leave them. They all must be waiting for me to be home. We are going to celebrate their birthday together.

I pushed and I felt my body exploding.

My baby is coming.

Come on, Beth.

I pushed again ignoring everything. All I know, my baby will soon see me.

“He is almost here.” I heard and with a final push, we heard his wailing.

But before I could react, I felt my body getting heavy. What is happening?

“Relax, mommy.” I heard the words but the rushing of two other people were audible.

Breath in…

Breathe out...

“Maxim has your eyes,” Valerio said staring my boy.

“The same shade.” Eli Chirped. “I'll call him Max.”

“My father had blue eyes.” I cried.

“Then he is little Caleb,” Valerio said and gave me my son.

Looking at the little body covered with blood, I cried with joy along with him.

He is here.

Maxim Rogers is here.

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