Chapter 17: Father, Dad

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Beth's POV



Mark and Valerio were rolling on the floor, hitting each other. It all seemed like the death of anyone of them is inevitable today.

I stood at the corner crying to stop them but they were busy in their fight.

Running to downstairs, I met Marcus. He frowned asking me the reason of my condition. And I couldn't say a word. I sobbed and wiped ny tears every time possible.

To comfort me, my father-in-law hugged and caressed my head.

"What happened?" He inquired. His voice was calm but the vibe of anger was present around his body. Mark told me that the Schmidt family is known for their brutality in mafia.

"They are fighting." I sobbed and hugged him back. His arms wrap around my body reminds me of my Dad. My dad has this magical capacity of calming me.

"Them?" He laughed. "Let them, after one of them is dead. I'll call for the funeral."

Breaking our hug, I hit him playfully and smiled. It appears manageable now. Deep inside, we both know that they won't kill each other. Because they both know their limit. Valerio knows I love Mark and Mark knows I will never appreciate him in such activities.

"Girl, you don't need that bastard. You are capable enough....." He cupped my cheeks. "You killed Andrew... When you were injured No one was able to do."

I nodded, remembering that he called me his heir.

"Now, get ready... You will meet your staff. You need to learn about business." He patted my cheeks. "But first, when is your appointment?"

I grinned sheepishly. The excitement to see my baby overtook my body. I can't believe this is the first time I'll see my bundle of joy, who will be the youngest among all the siblings. They all will shower their love to the youngest baby.

Despite one week was left for my appointment, Marcus took me to the doctor where a young lady welcomed us. I wonder where was Dr Morris.

Dr Lillan West informed us about Dr Morris's delivery. She had a daughter. I hope Dr Morris has all the happiness she deserves.

Marcus twinkled when he saw his grandchild. We had three copies and spend Father-daughter time, together.

Although Mark doesn't like him but I think, I like my father-in-law. He talks about all the things he could remember about Amaya. According to him, Mark loved her. She was his baby sister. Amaya was adorable, who knew how to make someone calm. Sylvia has Amaya's shadow. It is like Amaya will always live through Sylvia. Except hairs, all the features are same. Even behaviour. And my little monster Silver is as territorial as Amaya.

"I am thankful that my grandchildren have you." Marcus was on the verge of tears. I can see that this old man desperately want to spend the rest of his life with his family. But I know, Mark will never allow that.

"Why does Mark hates you?" I asked.

"Hr doesn't hate me. He just loves his little family a lot...... You see, I am a fucked up person, who married his half-sister. Even had kids with her... People avoid me so that I won't bring this incest to their families." He explained.

"But you are as a victim as they were," I muttered. "They all were so tortured at such a young age that they lost the capability to differentiate between right and wrong...... I feel sorry for you."

"If I would have been a good brother to them then we could have avoided all this. But...... Cora and Vincent loved each other. I could see their love. It was like...... I don't know how to name it. Even though they were twins, they loved each other like lovers..... Maybe love has no definition. Maybe we don't choose whom we love. I don't know."

"It sounds so nasty."

"Yes, but they were in love..... Vincent was broken when Mark killed Cora. Although Andrew was biologically my son but he loved Andrew as his own..... That shitty man loved Andrew and Cora like a family man..... But he was Psycho. I tried my best to keep Amaya away from him. But in the end, I forget about Andrew. He killed her husband and raped her, even married her. If Antonio wouldn't have interrupted then things could have been easy for you." He sighed, maybe thinking about various possibilities of non-existence alternate my present. "Maybe you would have become an interior designer. Just like you wanted..."

"You ran a background check on me?" I yelled. Is this thing run in their gene or what? Both Schmidt father-son pair doesn't respect the term 'privacy'.

"Mark didn't allow me to meet you. I had to know you....." He raised his both hands to surrender. "I always had this feeling that you are the woman who will change our life for better."

Instead of saying anything to him, I huffed and stomped to the car. He followed me and looked around with cautiousness. As if he had this feeling that someone was looking at us.

I found a gift that Marcus took and examined it carefully. His driver took it and got out of the car to open it.

Someone was here.

Marcus looked troubled when he came back. Without a word, he gave me the box to see it. I find a tape recorder and a few photos.

Someone was watching me all the time. Like a shadow, that person followed me. I had felt being watched by someone. And I was right.

The photo had captured my intimate moment with Mark in the shower and even kiss with Valerio.

Anyone would misunderstand the situation.

"It is not like it seems... " I wanted to explain my father in law but failed to form a proper word.

"Don't worry." Marcus kissed ny head. "I called Mark. He said about receiving the same package. That's why he attacked Valerio." He explained while looking at tape. "Would you like to hear? Do you need privacy?"

I nodded and listened to tape.

I love you. I will always love you. You gave me Eli...".......... "I promise I will love you but

Some heard this. I said to Valerio. I cried. Someone breached my privacy.

"What would happen if I leaked this to media?" I heard a distorted voice in the tape. "I know, you are listening. Savannah is mine. Even you are mine. Once Savannah gives us child. There will be us. I promise. And that pig inside you will be dead. If you even think about sleeping with Roger or Rossi, then there will be blood."

I destroyed the tape and called Marcus. He hugged me and said soothing words to me. But nothing worked. I want Mark. My kids. My family.

"Did you heard?" I was asked but I just nodded. "Vincent needs Savannah but his man wants you."

"Did you hear the tape?" I asked.

"No, Mark received the letter. That obsessive man had you once, when you were in whore, I want to kill Antonio by myself."

"He is around us all the time." I sobbed. "I don't want him to hurt my baby."


You will kill him........A Schmidt child is growing inside you, who will give you strength."

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