Chapter 14: Mirrored message

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Beth's POV

“You don't have to interrupt in this fucking family matter.” Valerio held my forearm and was about to drag me out of the room. His grip is painful. But I am a Rogers now. This is my family and he is no one to decide whether I want to involve in my family matter or not. Taking my final decision, I pushed him away.

“My daughters are at stake. And I am not leaving my kids.” I nudged his chest. “This” poke. “is” poke. “my” poke. “family” poke. Disclosing my final decision, I could feel my blood storming in my veins.

“You can bring Sylvia with you.” He offered.

“What about Savannah?” Everyone got alert with my question. I think no know expected this from me. Why everyone doubts my intentions about her????

I don't hate her neither I want her to get hurt. She's precious to my husband and whatever is precious to him is precious to me. So yes, I will have to think about the safety of Savannah.

“Everyone is here for her.” Valerio rolled his eyes. He won't accept, but he is selfish just like everybody. He cares only about himself. He loves his daughter, Eli. “It's a family matter.” He added.

“Exactly..... It. Is. A. Family. Matter. And I am Elizabeth ROGERS. This. Is my FAMILY.” I proclaimed and left them to decide for themselves because I have decided that I am standing for my family.

When I signed the marriage certificate, I signed to be with Mark in every situation. Although, I was forced to, but papers were real. Our marriage is real.

Eli and Suri were chatting but stopped when they saw us. Sylvia followed me. This little monster is mama's girl. Settling everyone to their seats, we had dinner. I can't believe last year, I was doubtful if I would ever meet any of my kids. But today, I have my kids, with two angels, Sylvia and Suri. However, none of them will be able to fulfil the void of my twins. I don't even know where they are resting. Their graves.

“Pregnancy makes you feisty, wife.” Mark wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to me. I was trying to sleep but this man is making it hard.

“Don't touch me.” I hit his forearm, but he chuckled and snuggled with me.

“Are we going to stay here?” Instead of answering me, he sighed. I knew what this meant. “Are you sure kids will be safe here?” I asked again. I need assurance for the safety of my kids. I murder a person for them and now, I hear they are not safe at all.

This is so frustrating.

“There will 4 layered security.” He said. “One will be Schmidt, others will Rossi and then mine with cybersecurity.”

“How they will be safe when someone inside is a traitor?” I snapped.

He sighed understanding the fact and the rest of the night he narrated me about his life. How he was adopted, how he met my father, his attachment to my mother, to me and my sister, how Antonio was an asshole, how Andrew went crazy and sought revenge, and I was framed.

He narrated how I am related to him but nothing about himself. He explained his life, but not his emotions. He missed that part. I couldn't understand if he did on intentionally. I can understand that he is ashamed of whatever happened in the Schmidt family. But everyone was the victim there.

If that family wasn't involved in human trafficking then nothing would have happened. It's all karma. They did terrible to people which eventually return to them. And I hope this will not affect our kids.

I couldn't sleep throughout the night. I was afraid of Karma. I don't want my kids to pay for the price of their ancestor's Karma.

Emptying my stomach, I washed my face. Morning sickness. I was preparing my green tea when Savannah screamed.

“Someone was here last night,” Suri said. “He didn't do anything. He just stared at Savannah.”

“How do you know that?” I paced to their room. Savannah looked horrified and hugged me. Calming her, I went to the bathroom to see a message.


Only a single word on mirror written with blood. Definitely for Savannah.

“Since he was close so I acted that I was in deep sleep,” Suri explained. “He laid beside her for a good amount of time........ I was really scared.”

“Baby, we were awake. You should have called us.” I hugged the brave Suri. “We could have....”

“He just 2 feet away from us. And you were 1 floor away. I am sure you could have avenged our deaths.” Suri rolled her eyes.

Is this is 8 years old?

With a panic rush, Marcus runs into the room. He frowned to see us standing near the bathroom. Knowing that something was not fine, he gently moved us aside and read the message.

Clenching his jaws, he ran his hands on his messy hairs. This man is too good to be old. I could see his well-built body be death his t-shirt, no doubt how Mark looks so good to me even with his scars. It is in his genes. I hope my son has this gene too.

Pulling out his phone, he clicked the photo. They checked us for any injury and then looked around the room for intruder or to find anything helpful possible. But failed. It was late to investigate.

“I can't believe that the old man was able to sneak inside. He broke out security.......4 layered security. I will kill that.......” Marcus hissed.

“He wasn't old.” Suri interrupted Marcus. “He was definitely not old. I just saw his silhouette. But yes..... He wasn't old.”

“She was awake last night,” I explained to them the objective of Suri's statements.

“I am 56 years old and Vincent is a decade younger than me.....” Marcus spoke to himself. Maybe he is trying to explain himself Suri's claim. “He maintained himself.”

“No......” Suri protested. “He was not someone 46 years old. He was as young as my uncle...... Val.”

Suri was sure about her claims. She stood her grounds, and I am confident the way she is, it is not something imaginary or misunderstanding. She to caution for an 8-year-old child. And if she's right, then is it a hoax played by Valerio???

Because if it's true then he is dangerous. I have to make sure Eli is safe, and he should go to rehab. He is bipolar and sometimes, it may be hard for him to control his emotion.

“Or was it uncle Val?” Suri asked me.

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