Epilogue I

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Beth's POV

“Who sponsored you?” I roared. I can't believe our rivalry Mafia sent a doctor to kill Max. But we find out.

I was fuming with revenge, and this young doctor getting frightened. Smiling with satisfaction, I showed him my left hand that took stopped his breath. He looked pale with the absence of three figures.

“It doesn't matter If you are responsible or not... Only proves matters. This Is mafia.” I lectured him about mafia life.

“Mafia?” He frowned and burst into laugh. He laughed and rolled on the floor. “It is a myth. There's no mafia. Or Mafia family.”

“Yes, there is no mafia family..... There are MAFIA FAMILIES.” I explained him.

“Mama.......” I heard Sylvia calling me. “Stop It.” She giggled. “Mama...”

“You are lucky, your background is clean or else I would have killed you,” I warned the man. “They fooled you..... Be careful. My only advice.”

“I could never hurt a child. I will make sure to look for my staff..... So..... your son is a mafia prince?”

Nodding, I walked inside signalling at Victor to escort the doctor out of my estate.

After that, evening everything changed. Max was born but we lost so many things. Marcus died the same day along with Sophia, mysteriously, leaving his all the legal company to me. Even I was forced to handle Rogers Security firm along with Beth foundation. It was draining, especially when you have a baby. But I somehow managed with Victor and Jennifer or I should call her Jenny's help.

Beth foundation was the idea of Mrs. Harrington. She wanted to honour to the memories of her husband, Gerard Harrington. Beth foundation was his dream. Girls like Hossane from Andrew's brothel and a good deal of survival from various events got a chance to restart. We even check on them from time to time.

Victor and Jenny was blessed with a boy when I came back. They named him, Seth. Even Victor adopted Neil, now the García family is complete.

“Mama, Max kitzelt mich” Sylvia complained and run to hug me while my Blue-eyed boy, Max pouted.
(Mama, Max is tickling me.)

“Momma, Sie wird jedes Mal gekitzelt.” Abioye shrugged off and held his brother's hand and walked to the shoe rack.
(She gets tickled every time.)

I watched my sons helping each other wearing their shoes. It breaks my heart that at such a young age, they are going to the cemetery. But it is necessary.

According to Suri, the truth will always hurt but it is an easy way to deepen any relation.

“We are ready,” Suri announced and run to the car.

“We will meet Mark, there?” Eli asked.

Nodding my head, I walked to the family car where both Schmidt boys are waiting for us eagerly.


Schmidt boys.

After everything, we took the Schmidt as our last name. This name will always haunt us, so we decided to face it. And finally, my children use Rogers-Schmidt as their last name while Eli use Bell-Rossi and Suri use Anderson-Rossi.

My children sat properly and sang nursery rhymes to teach 2 years old Max. They all pamper him. We call him the star. But his favourite is Valerio.

“We are here,” Suri announced.

Taking our time, we as the family entered the cemetery where 20 years old Savannah was waiting for us.

Surprisingly, after the event, she warm up with me. Initially, It was hard for us. Mark wasn't with us but we managed. Now, I can say that we are in better terms now.

My relationship with Kate was dead. We are nothing but strangers to each other who shared love for her children. And Elijah was being Elijah. He never liked me. He blamed me for his family misery.

Valerio left his family and visits them only during the holiday while he is one of the major investors at my companies. He is also trying to leave the Mafia just like Antonio. The family has almost given up illegal Arms and weapon supply while they are still working on their Casino business.

“I hate coming here.” Savannah pouted. “It brings all the sad memory.”

“Few memories are sad, but they are a lesson for life,” I said.

Forcing a sad smile, she kissed Max who in turn bite her.

“He is so much like Sylvia.” Savannah adores her brother who hid his face into the nuzzle of my neck. “He deserved to at least see Sophia.”

“She would have loved him,” I said.

“Her death is still a mystery. Even pop was dead.”

“It was a murder,” I told her the truth.

Widening her eyes in shock, she stares at me for the longest Time before breaking a genuine smile at her face. From the past 2 years, she's a responsible sister-daughter. She doesn't throw tantrums.

“Whenever will be the right time, you'll tell me. After All you are a secret keeper. You must maintain it. I trust you.” She said while she hugged me.

Her hug was not acceptable to my 2 years, old son. He struggled and finally, screamed. After All, he's the birthday boy today.

Leaving him on the ground, we saw him running to my father grave. All my children run to their favourite people and talked to them. Our family is always incomplete with these people sleeping here. No one will able to fill their vacant place.

This private state was owned by Marcus that he passed to me. We shifted my parents and Vicky and even Alice. Even Marcus and Sophia are here along with Cheryl and Amaya. We were completely stunned when Suri suggested that this cemetery should include Andrew, Cora and Vincent with August as well.

As Suri claims, 'the truth may hurt but it is a better way to strengthen any relationship.' And somehow, we find it true. So yes, my children know about the bad of family with few details missing which they eventually learn when they'll be old enough.

“How are your classes?” I asked Savannah.

“Amazing... I don't regret choosing cakes as my career.” She beamed. “I will make you proud.”

“How's Synn and Abigail?”

“They are good.”

It took a lot to convince her to talk to them but now, she's good with them. Synn is a better brother than I anticipated.

Savannah walked to Sophia's grave to join Sylvia. Both sisters are closer to her. While Suri must have gone to Cheryl and Max is with Marcus, and he even loves Dad as well. While is with my sister, Vicky.

It is heartbreaking to watch my kids celebrating their birthday at the cemetery. But they are growing closer to each other, knowing their origin.

Walking furthermore, I finally see the husband. My Mark. Completely at peace.

“You must talk to him.” I chanted and walked to him.

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