Chapter 34: Destination

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Beth's POV





Dead bodies.

This is all I could see from here. August got shot but unfortunately, he was wearing a bulletproof jacket beneath his shirt. It is sad news but that psycho man is still alive.

I walked around the almost destroyed mansion and searched for Savannah. This is an amazing chance to run away and everyone, including August's minions, are busy. Maybe, we could reach Mark since August is busy here.

"This was not Mark," Vincent said and signalled his men to catch me. Before I could run, I was already caught and was dragged back to Vincent.

"You look like a homeless woman," August commented with amusement. It is hard to believe that a few hours back he could have died.

"Mark will never attack like this," Vincent was thinking.

"He flows this Gorilla warfare techniques. He knows now..... This was distractions. Where is my niece?" August snapped. 10 years with Mark paid him. He knows what Mark is capable of, yet he is ready to be on the bad book of Mark.

"It was Maxwell. He took her back to Mark..... This is how Mark plays." Vincent said. "He is dangerous than we thought. He has Nancy now...."


Nancy Smith.

She was helping them. I knew she never liked me, but she hated me so much that she helped them. She is nothing but a sinner just like them.

"She knows nothing." August shrugged off. "I mislead her. Now, we need a leave this place."

Gage Maxwell betrayed them and Nancy Smith helped them. No one anyone's true friend here. Few days back Gage was ready to stand against Mark and now, when Mark played his card he immediately changed his side. He attacked August and took Savannah.

I was relieved that at least, Savannah is safe and soon, she'll be home.

I remember, Nancy was pregnant too. Yet she chose to help August. She knows how heartbroken it feels when you can't see your child. She loved Eli like her own, yet she helped them and now, I'll never be able to see my kids. I will never be able to see Abioye pulling Eli's hair. Or Sylvia's tantrums.

Whatever is happening is must be Kate's curse. Now, I conclude that our friendship was over when she hid Antonio's real identity.

Kate and I share an undefined relationship where we love each other yet curse each other. We will be happy for each other but will always blame each other for lows.

"Why he didn't take her?" August looked at me.

This was an important question. When they all know that I pregnant and soon, I would be delivering then why they kept Savannah as their first choice?

Am I misunderstanding, Mark's attention in place of love?

Is there anybody who would give me normal love?

Why Schmidt family has to be so fucked up?

I sobbed and August growled in frustration. This is the only reaction I could give. I hate this mafia things. Why they all are so messed up?

Then again the answer is Mafia is an organized crime. They all have a network. They consider mafia to be their home, job, that they pass from one generation to another.

Next thing, I understood that we left. We travelled in a through every transport possible. It was a long journey where we never stopped at any place more than 1 week and a week was the limit. I was wondering about their destination.

Where they were taking me so far?

I just want to go home. To my family, that I created with my pain, love.

"It would become hard for them to traces us." August was speaking to someone on the call. "How is she?"

"She?" Vincent interrupted.

"Nancy Smith..... She killed herself." He disconnected the call.

"And baby?" I mumbled.


This was distributing news. Now, I pity Valerio. He must be miserable and his condition would be making it worse. All he wanted a family of his own and that Nancy is dead, he lost his chances. I hoped that we could convince her to be a better person for her child and Eli, but she chose death over life. A better life. That she could have with her child and Eli as well as Valerio.

"When will she give birth?" August growled. "I haven't touched her since we started travelling."

"Wait for the next four months." Vincent served me a better plate of food. We have been eating ready to eat food and it was making me sick.

Without a second thought, I attacked my plate. I can hear whatever they are discussing while eating.

"4 months?"

"After her delivery next month, she needs rest."

Sometimes, I misunderstand Vincent. I imagine that he is trying to save me. Maybe he did all this to confront Mark for killing Cora. The LOVE of Vincent's life.

It is disgusting to imagine twin brother and sister engage with each other sexually and calls the action as love. But to me, it is incest. I find it nasty and it always gives me the feeling of nausea.

"Where will you take my baby?" I asked Vincent. My throat pains as me it vibrates with every delivery of words from my mouth.

"Somewhere... Mostly we would travel." Vincent passed me the blanket. "Sleep. Soon we will reach our final destination."

Taking the blanket, I sobbed thinking that once we reached their destination then there will be no way I'll ever see my baby. Mark will lose us.

Or maybe Mark is not looking for us.

While drifting to sleep, I felt the warmth of the body covering me. The smell of the body was soothing and I felt the love. I felt the aura of peace.

I am home.

"Mark?" I mumbled.

"Sleep." I felt the voice kissing my head.

Many thoughts attacked me but I didn't have the energy to open my eyes to see him.

Finally, I slept thinking whatever happened till now is just my nightmare.

"We are home." I was assured by the voice.

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